How to install Windows XP MBR from FreeDOS


I accidentally corrupted my Windows XP installation (i use it for programm testing). Luckily, i had copied the installation files before. Now i made a partition via FreeDOS, and i copied Windows XP files to it. But i know that it wont boot without the MBR. I have all the files required to boot: autoexec.bat, config.sys, io.sys, msdos.sys, and ntldr. So i wanted to know how i can install the Windows XP MBR to the partition with using FreeDOS.


Posted 2016-01-09T18:30:32.790

Reputation: 11



Freedos should include the fdisk utility, which has the switch /cmbr DRIVENUMBER and /mbr DRIVENUMBER.

  MBR (Master Boot Record) modification:
    /AMBR [drive#]  Writes the MBR stored in the "boot.mbr" file to 'drive#'.
    /BMBR [drive#]  Writes the BOOTEASY MBR to 'drive#'.
    /CMBR [drive#]  Creates the MBR.
    /MBR  [drive#]  Writes the standard MBR to 'drive#'.
    /SMBR [drive#]  Saves the current MBR on 'drive#', into a file called
    /RMBR [drive#]  Removes the MBR from 'drive#'.

I believe using fdisk without a switch should help you find the drive number you need.


Posted 2016-01-09T18:30:32.790

Reputation: 18 756