Can I completely disable Cortana on Windows 10?



Windows 10 has Cortana, which I don't like. I disabled it as soon as I could. However, looking in Task Manager, the process for Cortana is still running, and can't be effectively terminated: ending the task simply results in the process respawning a few seconds later. Using the command

taskkill /IM Cortana.exe /F

has the same result: the process respawns.

Is there any way to disable Cortana so that the process doesn't keep running in the background, and doesn't respawn if terminated?


Posted 2015-08-02T19:57:58.667

Reputation: 3 211

19I just followed instructions that answers bellow give, and while you can disable damn Cortana process from respawning it'll prevent you from searching for app after launching Start menu. And considering I do WinKey+start typing to find app quite often I needed do re-enable Cortana. Thanks M$... seems you haven't learned from IE lawsuit in 90s. – nikib3ro – 2016-03-15T08:11:54.750

I don't have enough rep to answer, but if you have the "Anniversary Update" the toggle switch is gone. This registry tweak worked for me.

– default.kramer – 2016-08-26T14:25:17.090

@kape123 I use start menu replacement and the search works. I like star10. – FreeSoftwareServers – 2017-01-02T07:25:36.897

After using MC10's solution below (renaming to C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy.bak), which worked for over a year, I think I re-enabled it by accidentally hitting Win + Print Screen for a screen shot. I'm not going to try and confirm this now that I have it disabled again. – samis – 2018-05-29T14:28:19.387

@kape123 Be sure it's really cortana... I had a similar issue when I disabled apps running in the background (The main toggle, not the individual apps). Looks like the indexing process is disabled when background apps are disabled (even though it's not listed) – Basic – 2018-09-06T14:47:56.467

To those following the manually removing the exec route: Removing the folder will prevent some updates applying. For reasons (incompetence?...) win10 does not remember that restarting didn't finalise the update in question correctly. This is a bit of an issue as it also refuses not to allow itself to reboot whenever it feels like it (some caveats). However taking ownership and removing exec permissions on the files so far seems to have the best of both world: cortana is dead, not just sleeping, and the updates seems to go smoothly. I would recommend a backup though. Good luck. – drjpizzle – 2019-03-13T15:21:11.047



The easiest way to disable certain privacy aspects of Cortana is to use a third-party tool such as O&O Software's free ShutUp10.

Cortana in ShutUp10

Part of Cortana, though, is Windows Search, so there would still be an occasional Cortana process such as file indexing. However, there should no longer be any use of the internet by Cortana.

enter image description here

You can remove Cortana completely, if you wish, but that also removes Windows Search (though that might not be an issue if you use a third-party tool such as DocFetcher or Mythicsoft's Agent Ransack, which provide increased search functionality). That said, after a Windows 10 update, expect that Cortana would be reinstalled. Apparently, the only way now to permanently avoid Cortana is to use another OS, such as Linux.

DrMoishe Pippik

Posted 2015-08-02T19:57:58.667

Reputation: 13 291

4@julealgon didn't seem so unnecessary to me. Considering it's about the only real solution there is. That being, use something OTHER than Windows 10. – cbmeeks – 2019-01-14T14:31:50.403

1The problem is that she re-installs with every windows update... and this is a great program, but Microsoft definitely wants here there. – Sol – 2019-02-04T16:57:40.903

This cortana is useless to me and its byte my RAM and see to get rid of I have to install another app. Cool windows. – Blasanka – 2019-09-10T01:58:39.140


Update 2018: Warning about Taskbar Breakage

I just reinstalled Windows 10 Pro and followed all the prescribed steps (both removing Cortana and removing all store apps) and it still works as prescribed.

It bears mentioning that removing Cortana will break the Default Taskbar in weird ways. It doesn't break Windows Search - so Explorer search still works in my experience.

I've, personally, always replaced the default taskbar with Classic Start (linked via Ninite installer) and have no issues in day-to-day Windows usage otherwise.

Update: Remove Cortana via "TakeOwn"

Apparently, this trick stopped working at some point. I've used @Meferdati's link at some point successfully: winaero: how to uninstall Cortona. It contains a script that does all the work for you, as well as an explanation of how it works.

Below are the steps I've been using, which are very similar to @MC10's answer, except I've always had to "TakeOwn" to get permissions and I move my files to a different folder (instead of deleting - in case I decide to revert):

  1. add TakeOwn to the context menu or (use takeown from the command line).
  2. Navigate to C:\Windows
  3. Create folder SystemApps.bak
  4. Use Takeown to gain ownership of c:\windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy
  5. (Gain ownership of anything else you want to move)
  6. Cut/Paste the folder(s) from SystemApps to SystemApps.bak
  7. When the "Permissions" pop-up appears, switch to Task Manager
  8. Kill SearchUI.exe process
  9. Switch back and give permission to move the folder

The folder is now in SystemsApps.bak - and you can simply move it back if the need arises.

Original: Remove Cortana via Powershell RemoveAppPackage

First disable it, then uninstall the Cortana app.

Disable it in the search settings:

  1. Click the search icon/box in the bottom left
  2. click the gear on the left bar
  3. Click off next to Cortana/Web Searches

    enter image description here

Then uninstall it, as listed here:

In elevated PowerShell:

Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName
Remove-AppxPackage Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_1.4.8.176_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy

This is similar to MC10's answer, except that I'm sure the OS will be more accepting of uninstalling it via the "proper channels" (powershell) instead of renaming the folder.

Windows has fixed it so now you cannot remove "...Cortana_1.6.1.52_ ...". When this is attempted it states this is part of Windows now and cannot be removed. I guess I will go back to renaming the folder.

I'm using the same uninstall to remove other "features" like BingNews, BingSports, Etc

Edit: Likewise, you can remove the "Provisioned" applications (aka: crap that gets installed per user) via this method

Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Select DisplayName, PackageName
Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage  Microsoft.ZuneMusic_2019.6.11821.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe

Or... to remove ALL Apps that you can, app or provisionedapp, you can do this:

Just a warning: This will uninstall the Windows Store. That's not an issue for me, but uninstalling everything isn't for the faint of heart.

Get-AppxPackage | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online

As mentioned in comments, it's probably wise not to completely remove the Windows Store. I haven't tried this yet, but this (in the comments) looks to be ballpark of what I'd use:

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | where-object {$ –notlike "*store*"} | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –notlike "*store*"} | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online

Further resource: Delete Windows 10 Apps and Restore Default Windows 10 Apps


Posted 2015-08-02T19:57:58.667

Reputation: 4 263

12Considering 8.1 was distributed via the store, uninstalling the store may prevent you from installing future Windows OS upgrades. – Bob – 2015-08-03T05:18:05.397

@Bob I was wondering of anything important might be affected without the store. That would definitely count. – WernerCD – 2015-08-03T05:49:24.913

17@Bob: So the store is an integral part of Windows that cannot be removed without breaking crucial functionality? Ugh! It's like 1998 all over again. You'd think Microsoft would have learned their lesson the first time around, but apparently not... :( – Mason Wheeler – 2015-08-03T17:34:05.683

Found option to "skip" Store. Now to figure out how to reinstall the store :) – WernerCD – 2015-08-03T18:30:46.103

@WernerCD You can reinstall the Store app using the Add-AppxPackage cmdlet and the Store app’s manifest. (For example, in Windows 8.1 you could use Add-AppxPackage -path %SystemRoot%\WinStore\AppxManifest.xml -register -disableDevelopmentMode.) Have you successfully removed Cortana this way? When I tried to remove it using Remove-AppxPackage I was told that (basically) the package was shipped with Windows and couldn’t be removed that way. I didn’t check if it was a provisioned package, though. (I don’t have Windows 10 right now.) – ȷ̇c – 2015-08-08T16:07:45.097

3@WernerCD My method breaks the search bar. I have edited that in my answer, as well as redirecting them to your answer. Just curious, does your method break the search bar? – MC10 – 2015-08-12T19:23:59.870

9Even running PowerShell as admin I get this: error 0x80070032: AppX / Deployment Remove operation on package <Cortana> from: / <Cortana> failed. This app is part of Windows and cannot be uninstalled on a per-user basis. – vaindil – 2015-08-23T16:26:48.780

@Vaindil Same here. This solution does not seem to work. – b1nary.atr0phy – 2015-09-01T02:29:45.630

1@Vaindil I've tried it again on a new test machine and I seem to be having the same issue now (Can't remove, Windows depends on it). I'm confident it worked at one point, but that was a few patches again. If I have the free time I'll see if it works on previous builds. Since they've added settings to disable - and blocking the application at the firewall works as well - I haven't been concerned with it. – WernerCD – 2015-09-03T00:51:49.157

14This doesn't work. I got error saying Remove-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073CFA, Removal failed. Please contact your software vendor. Tried running as administrator but no luck – Rahil Wazir – 2015-10-07T18:36:28.557

Get-AppxPackage doesn't work (error). Get-appxprovisionedpackage uninstalls lots of crap, but not Cortana. – Oriol – 2015-11-21T18:33:52.200

9Doesn't work anymore. Microsoft says that the app you're trying to remove is part of windows and cannot be removed. – None – 2015-12-25T17:22:32.260


Check for the solution at the following link - I just ended up there because the solution mentioned above doesn't work anymore. Works as of 24.01.2016:

– Meferdati – 2016-01-24T22:21:21.917

So I haven't gotten the full thing to work yet, but I can tell you that the first bit (getting the full package name) can be simplified in PowerShell to this: (Get-AppxPackage | where {($_.Name.Contains("Cortana"))}).PackageFullName - which gives Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_1.6.1.52_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy on my machine, suitable to put in parens or to pipe to another cmdlet. – Ryan Pavlik – 2016-05-12T17:41:20.437

As Meferdati mentions, this doesn't uninstall Cortona anymore... I'm not sure where it stopped, but it's been at least a few ISOs. I'll edit the answer shortly to point that out. The way I've done it isn't his answer, but I'll edit mine to include his as well as the method I've used recently. I still use the powershell script constantly to remove everything else though. – WernerCD – 2016-05-12T18:15:45.267

@MC10 Of course it breaks the search bar - but that doesn't bother me because I use a task bar replacement ( Classic Start) that has search that isn't Cortona. Search that wants to send everything to Bing is off my list of usable products. (Sorry for the 6 month delay in response)

– WernerCD – 2016-05-12T18:54:10.513

@MasonWheeler: What exactly happened in 1998? – SarahofGaia – 2016-09-24T13:53:53.350

@SarahofGaia Windows 98 came out, with Microsoft making the exact same bogus claim about the Internet Explorer browser that they're now making about Cortana. It landed them in a ton of hot water and became one of the focal points in the antitrust case that came within a hair's breadth of breaking the company up. – Mason Wheeler – 2016-09-24T23:44:30.003

@MasonWheeler: Corruption never learns... :( – SarahofGaia – 2016-09-28T23:34:05.393

@MasonWheeler Technically, Internet Explorer was an integral part of the OS. Windows Explorer wouldn't function without it, because it referenced code that resided inside iexplore.exe. (That could easily have been , and was, changed, however!) What they're doing with Cortana is worse, because Cortana is not integral to the operating system. – wizzwizz4 – 2016-11-26T17:19:51.180

This doesn't or stops working with the newest update. I tried Pro part at and that works. I don't have Home version to test.

– Kai Wang – 2017-01-26T13:47:32.893

2I couldn't find SearchUI.exe in my list of processes, so instead I had to kill Cortana in task manager and then HURRY and move the folder before Cortana restarted itself, and that seemed to work. – HerrimanCoder – 2017-07-30T13:34:11.277

1Removing the folder totally broke my Start Menu, everything in it turned grey. As soon as I move the folder back, the Start Menu would instantly work again. I'm gonna use Classic Shell instead.. – Henrique de Sousa – 2017-10-02T21:04:38.493

@HenriquedeSousa I'm not sure how it affects the "normal" menu - I always install Classic Shell (Just a better search experience as well as look/feel)... then remove Cortana. This anwer was written quite a few versions of 10 ago and the hooks between Cortana and other things have, undoubtedly, gotten stronger. I don't think I've noticed anything else broken myself. I run the bottom script (remove all programs except store) > install Classic > remove Cortana on all my new installs. – WernerCD – 2017-10-03T03:58:41.100

2I ended up removing cortana and installing Classic Shell, works a treat ! Cortana on Windows is always taking some cpu, which i hate. Many thanks – Henrique de Sousa – 2017-11-14T03:24:38.947

Help please. I accidentally clicked Take Ownership on the whole folder c:\windows\SystemApps. Could this cause problems? – Sartheris Stormhammer – 2017-12-08T10:24:22.813

I am unclear if this new solution still breaks search or not. – Herman Toothrot – 2018-01-08T16:03:31.750

1@HermanToothroth To my knowledge, removing Cortona breaks the default/builtin Windows Search Bar search... but replacement menu's such as Classic Start utilize the Windows Search (not Cortona). I remove Cortona and use Classic Start and search rather happily. – WernerCD – 2018-01-08T16:27:47.630

In my version of Windows (Windows 10 Home v 1709 build 16299.192), SearchUI.exe doesn't appear in the task manager. LockHunter sees the SearchUI.exe process and offers to kill it, but fails. Cortana processes appear in the task manager, but can't be killed. So I copied the Cortana folder instead of moving it to the backup folder. Then, LockHunter couldn't delete the original Cortana folder outright, so I chose "Delete at next system restart." We'll see if that works. – LarsH – 2018-02-01T13:57:09.813

It worked, removed Cortana processes. Like Henrique, I now have a broken start menu -- it's grayed out, and I can't type or click anything. I'll try Classic Shell, though it's no longer maintained and may break when Windows 10 gets a new update. – LarsH – 2018-02-01T14:14:29.867

@LarsH I've never use anything other than Classic Shell since moving to 10, so if it isn't maintained I'll keep any eye open and post my replacement if it "dies". I'm probably going to reformat my home desktop soon (been quite awhile and new job uses 7 still) so I'll update the answer if I see anything different but the basic workflow (takeown => kill task => move folder) is the process I've used since time immemorial... – WernerCD – 2018-02-01T14:27:18.443

this operation breaks the Search/Windows key search, it does not work anymore – Serge – 2018-04-05T12:25:48.337

@Serge I'll look the question over and see if I can highlight that but it bears mentioning: Taskbar search and Windows Search are two different things. SearchUI - aka Cortona - is used in the Default Taskbar. Not in Windows Explorer search. I just reinstalled windows last night (new SSD WHEEE!!!) and the first things I did was Remove Cortona, Remove all market apps except store and install Classic Start. Everything still works as expected - but the Taskbar is definitely more integrated with Cortona - and moreso as time goes on.

– WernerCD – 2018-04-05T13:03:19.190

@Serge updated answer to highlight the versions of my answer (Original: Remove apps, Update: Takeown and now, Warning: Taskbar breaks). Please let me know if you have any questions about it. – WernerCD – 2018-04-05T13:12:13.127

I see... the Classic Start has a little bit different interface than the other windows features and menus, I tried it, it looks like a patch... Another thing that it seems that is not as intelligent as Cortana... by eg for the "snipping tool" it was enough I type "capture screen" or just "screen" (it looks in the programs descriptions/tooltips texts I suppose), the classic start isn't so intelligent... – Serge – 2018-04-05T13:59:39.013

my related question here...

– Serge – 2018-04-05T14:00:52.830

@Serge Yeah, honestly... I've noticed different results with the search compared to 7, but I chalked it up to 10 vs 7. I didn't spend much time with Cortana. I remove cruft and stuff I'll never use to a fault (IE: Broken task bar). You could look into the various Taskbar Replacements (Classic Start has different options... but it's mainly to "look" like previous Windows Task Bars that people were used too.). Different ones might have better search - as well as maintain the Windows 10 look and feel (not my thing). – WernerCD – 2018-04-05T15:12:02.507

1Best win10 crapware removal post i have seen so far, and I've been looking alot, thanks. – drjpizzle – 2019-03-08T11:06:41.407

1To be the canary here: "probably wise not to completely remove the Windows Store"... I have done this and had no adverse effects so far. – drjpizzle – 2019-03-13T15:13:50.170

@drjpizzle I don't remember adverse effects - but it's been awhile since I've gone sans-store... there are times where I want to install store apps - not often, but still convenient if it's still there. I don't think I ever found an easy way to reinstall the store app since previous attempts where I've removed the Store are long long ago in the myths of time. That might be an interesting path if I ever get that bored lol :) – WernerCD – 2019-03-13T15:17:01.100

@WernerCD I don't know an easy reinstall and yes: if you count missing the store as a downside[1] then ... clearly. I guess I meant no negative side effects. Thanks again for your post.

  1. Babbage: "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke one to want to install a 'ms-store app'.".
  2. < – drjpizzle – 2019-03-13T15:44:19.060


Cortana is very integrated with Windows Search and fully disabling it will break Search. However, if you would like to keep Search functional, you can just disable the "Cortana-y" parts of Cortana.

To disable Cortana in windows 10

  1. Press Win + R keyboard accelerator to open Run dialog box.
  2. Type GPedit.msc and hit Enter or OK to open Local Group Policy Editor. Navigate to Local Computer Policy -> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Search.
  3. In the right pane, double click on policy named Allow Cortana.
  4. Select the Disabled radio button.
  5. Restart the PC and Cortana and Bing Search will be disabled. (May work after signing out and in again)

Policy Description

This policy setting specifies whether Cortana is allowed on the device.

If you enable or don't configure this setting, Cortana will be allowed on the device. If you disable this setting, Cortana will be turned off.

With this set, users will still be able to use search to find things on the device and on the Internet.

Girish Sadanandan

Posted 2015-08-02T19:57:58.667

Reputation: 869

Search is part of Cortana. If you can do that, the process is still running, so this doesn't answer the question. – ArtOfCode – 2015-08-06T18:09:35.090

6It was a nice try, but didn't work. Cortana process continue running and respawing. I suggest removing the answer – Lombas – 2015-10-21T14:02:10.100

8I suggest leaving this answer, as it's the only thing that worked for me on 1607 and wasn't utterly destructive to the start menu.... – Michael Hampton – 2016-07-25T08:08:01.160

I question changing the group policy, actually disabled Cortana on Version 1607, consider the group policy specifically is ignored on Windows 10 Professional. I agree though that based on when his question was asked, it does indeed answer the question, because it does indeed disable Cortana. – Ramhound – 2016-08-02T04:35:40.920

@ArtOfCode - true, but if you look in the details tab of task manager, SearchUI.exe (which is the Cortana process) shows up as suspended. So, this solution works perfectly. – Vijay Varadan – 2016-11-22T19:00:52.670

@VijayVaradan Wow, this is a blast from the past. If SearchUI is suspended, search is also disabled. – ArtOfCode – 2016-11-22T19:46:13.153

Running 1607, this solution appears to have worked with no ill side effects. – Gabardine – 2016-12-08T15:36:12.580

4Works great even after anniversary update. This answer FTW – Rob Hardy – 2016-12-15T10:19:18.113

gpedit.msc doesn't exist on the latest Win10. – peterh - Reinstate Monica – 2017-01-25T16:28:11.373

13@peterh - The gpedit.msc capability does exist within Windows 10 Professional and Enterprise operating systems, but it isn't available on a Windows 10 Home machine. – Run5k – 2017-02-07T19:12:45.607

Nope this doesn't even exist in 1709 – Sephethus – 2018-03-23T13:40:29.767

5The key "Allow Cortana" does exist in 1709, but assigning a 'Disabled' to it and restarting doesn't stop Cortana. Win 10 Pro Version 1709 (OS Build 16229.309) – DK. – 2018-04-02T21:15:34.833

I'm seeing Cortana in task manager again (on latest version of Windows at date of writing) – niico – 2019-11-11T10:52:02.570


Disclaimer: Please see WernerCD's answer for an improved method. This will break the search bar/Start search.

After playing around with it a bit, and I think I found a method.

Open Task Manager and have it show More details. Right click on Cortana and select Open file location.

Task Manager

Now find the Cortana folder, right click it, and select Rename. I would recommend just adding ".bak" to the end of the folder name so you can find it easily if you want to restore it back to it's original status.


If you attempt to rename, it will tell you that the folder is in use.

Folder In Use

This is when you want to go back to Task Manager, right click on Cortana, and select End task.

End task

Right after the task ends, switch back to the Folder In Use window and click Try Again. The folder should be renamed and the Cortana task will not start again.


Posted 2015-08-02T19:57:58.667

Reputation: 7 590

9Works a charm, and I've also used it to disable a number of other annoying processes. Thanks! – ArtOfCode – 2015-08-02T20:32:30.960

If you would like to hide the search bar, see my answer here: I have updated it with the method I found during the creation of this answer so scroll down to Original Answer.

– MC10 – 2015-08-02T20:34:59.453

Thanks, I've already done that though. – ArtOfCode – 2015-08-02T20:37:40.757

45Technically this works, but Windows Automatic Repair will fix it if you ever have a bad boot, and Windows Update might restore Cortana. I don't suggest modifying system files just to remove a feature. It may also have unintended side effects, such as other programs that depend on Cortana code to provide some functionality (I'm not aware of any such dependency, but I wouldn't risk it). – phyrfox – 2015-08-03T01:55:28.637

I would have wrote same answer...b'cuz I also use this method..... – Mukul Kumar – 2015-08-03T05:28:03.390


Rather than posting a duplicate of your answer from July, you should simply vote to close as duplicate.

– T.J. Crowder – 2015-08-03T10:02:21.710

2@T.J.Crowder Well actually I edited that answer after posting this one. My old answer on that question was a lot simpler and you can see the Original Answer. – MC10 – 2015-08-03T11:21:28.320

1Which is great! And +1 on that answer. Nice one improving it even further over the original. But it doesn't change the fact that this question is a dupe and should have been closed as one. If you really wanted to also post an answer, I'd make it a CW linking to the (updated) answer and vote-to-close. – T.J. Crowder – 2015-08-03T11:23:34.923

Yeah, sounds good. I will definitely do that in the future. – MC10 – 2015-08-03T11:52:43.730

I could not rename the folder because windows kept rebooting the cortana process every time I stopped it. Solution? Boot using linux mint (primary os) and rename the folder. Take that microsoft and your futile attempts to sway me! – Marcel – 2015-10-02T18:41:27.267

Note: WernerCD's method just failed to work for me. PowerShell gave an error that Cortana can not be uninstalled because it is part of the operating system. The method in this answer did work for me. Thanks! – Todd Wilcox – 2016-01-14T16:03:53.147

@ToddWilcox Did you run an elevated PowerShell (Run as administrator)? – MC10 – 2016-01-14T21:22:24.657

1@MC10 Yes, I modified the properties of my PowerShell shortcut (among others) to always prompt for elevation. – Todd Wilcox – 2016-01-14T21:33:55.600

this is interesting, i found that the following are using cortana: and when i went to kill processes this is what happened:

– DeerSpotter – 2017-01-22T20:20:13.197

Zombie hunter! Gotta be pretty quick on the draw to kill the Cortana daemon. – Dominic Cerisano – 2017-02-11T23:32:32.663


Buried in the privacy policy for Win 10 (expand the Input Personalization section) is:

You can turn off Input Personalization at any time. This will stop the data collection for this feature and will delete associated data stored on your device, such as your local user dictionary and your input history. As Cortana uses this data to help understand your input, turning off Input Personalization will also disable Cortana on your device. At, you can also clear data sent to Microsoft, such as your contacts and calendar data, user dictionary, as well as search and browsing history if your device also had Cortana enabled.

According to HowToGeek after installation you can disable this by:

If you have chosen express settings and you want to opt out of some or all of these, all is not lost. You can still go into the settings and change things.

To turn off the first item found in the Personalization settings, you will need to open the Privacy group in Settings and then “Speech, inking, & typing”.

Click or tap “Stop getting to know me”.

I'd strongly recommend disabling it the officially supported way over screwing with an executable. The latter runs both the risk that Windows repair or a future Windows update to Cortana will install a new executable and re-enable it without your knowledge, or that because you removed the file an the update will fail. With consumer versions of W10 not allowing you to opt out of patches this could result in you getting stuck in a reboot loop due to the patch failing to install or lock you out of future security updates because you don't have one of last month's required patches.

Dan is Fiddling by Firelight

Posted 2015-08-02T19:57:58.667

Reputation: 2 677

15Yes, but again this doesn't stop the process running in the background. – ArtOfCode – 2015-08-03T14:22:00.563


Apparently neither will it stop Windows from connecting to Bing whenever you type in the search box.

– ȷ̇c – 2015-08-08T16:16:09.943

If the integrity and security of the OS is dependent on a Siri-like convenience clone as suggested, I would be significantly concerned with what other areas of it may have been compromised in such a way to achieve whatever end it is trying to make (i.e. user data). This doesn't instill much faith in me for considering this OS as viable option for any application domain requiring even minimal security (I did confirm that setting the local security policy for Allow_Cortana to disabled doesn't prevent the process from running/collecting data, making Group Policy an invalid option). – samis – 2018-05-29T14:46:45.890


  1. Paste this text into Notepad (ensuring it has 2 line breaks at the end):

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search]
  2. Save as "disable cortana machine.reg" (including the quotes)
  3. Run the file you saved (double-click) once per machine
  4. Paste this text into a new Notepad file, as before

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
  5. Save as "disable cortana user.reg"
  6. Run the file you saved in every user account on the machine
  7. Reboot your computer

You may still see processes named Cortana running, but these make up the built-in Windows search system (so you can find files, programs and settings from the start menu), not the networked AI assistant and associated data-mining.


Posted 2015-08-02T19:57:58.667

Reputation: 254

1@Ramhound doesn't work on non-Pro editions. The ‘disable web search’ preferences are redundant, for me at least; web search from start menu doesn't work once Cortana is disabled and their preferences disappear from the normal Windows settings UI. One might not want to disable both, anyway. – Walf – 2017-05-09T01:15:24.483


Download the tool called win6x_registry_tweak. Now open a command prompt with admin rights in the folder of the downloaded exe and run this command:

install_wim_tweak.exe /o /c Microsoft-Windows-Cortana /r

This command removes the 3 cortana packages (Cortana main package, language pack and PAL package):


After a reboot your Windows is cortana free.

ATTENTION. Make a full backup if you later when to restore it to get Cortana back. If you have not done any backup, use those steps to generate the CABs for your Build. Replace Flash with the MUM names of the Cortana packages. You need to generate CABs for all Cortana MUM files like here the x86 MUMs for Build 14393 enter image description here.


Posted 2015-08-02T19:57:58.667

Reputation: 86 560

this is interesting, but for some reason its not working:

– DeerSpotter – 2017-01-22T20:14:49.220

have you made the reboot? – magicandre1981 – 2017-01-23T05:40:23.043

it went away, i renamed the system folder. This method didnt work. – DeerSpotter – 2017-01-23T15:57:39.553

@DeerSpotter what doesn't work? What have you done in detail? if you renamed a folder, the removal doesn't work. – magicandre1981 – 2017-01-23T16:32:46.537

the answer i am commenting to, that method of removing cortana doesn't work. (tested 1/22/2017) – DeerSpotter – 2017-01-23T20:34:42.447

I tested it last year with Build 10240 and it worked. Maybe it no longer works in 1607 or a newer insider build that you use – magicandre1981 – 2017-01-24T05:40:39.440

I tried this in 1607 and initially it appeared not to work, but after a couple of restarts I found that Cortana had disappeared afterall. – benjymous – 2017-01-27T20:47:56.023


To add to what Girish and Dan posted above on Windows 10 Professional you can first start turning of Cortana (and related) features by typing Cortana in the search bar and then left-clicking on the Gear icon to display the settings window.

From here you can switch off various features related to Cortana (or more like opt out, they still turn back on sometimes). However for a more substantial move I recommend doing the following:

  1. Press Windows Key + R to display the Run box Type gpedit.msc to start the group policy management addin
  2. Left click on the folder labelled Administrative Templates to select it You should now see a filter icon appear on the toolbar just above (looks like a funnel)
  3. Left-click on the menu option View > Filter Options > tick 'Enable Keyword Filter' to enable the text box and type cortana and then hit OK to apply the filter.
  4. Expand the Administrative Folder and then left-click on the All Settings item to display all items that match the filter on the right.

Now you can disable all the options relating to cortana and watch your CPU cycles drop and temps return to normal!

Tahir Khalid

Posted 2015-08-02T19:57:58.667

Reputation: 191


For those curious what's going on under the hood with install_wim_tweak, it's fairly straightforward. If you prefer not to use random binaries that get total permission of your system, and also build more understanding, you can do it this way:


In the Registry:

  1. Change ownership to Administrators of the root of the package tree: HKLM:\Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing. All keys beneath that inherit from the root. The initial owner is TrustedInstaller like all don't-touch-this parts of Windows.

  2. Change Administrators permission from Read to Full Control on the same.

  3. Change the Visibility of the aforementioned 4 Cortana package keys from 2 (hidden) to 1 (visible).

  4. Break the dependencies of the 4 packages by deleting all the Owner subkeys. The DISM interface refuses to remove owned packages as they are considered essential to the parent package.

  5. Use PowerShell or plain old dism to remove the now-unlocked packages. A pipeline w/wildcard matching avoids the awkward long names:

Get-WindowsPackage -Online | Where-Object { $_.PackageName -like '*Cortana*' } | Remove-WindowsPackage -Online -NoRestart

  1. Restart once manually at the end.


Deleting the User-level package is considerably worse. Based on techniques here and there and our Windows cousin the unlock is not to be found in the Registry, but rather a SQLite package-tracking database: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\StateRepository-Machine.srd

The above links have some overkill, so the boiled down version is:

  1. Stop the StateRepository service: Stop-Service -Name StateRepository -Force
  2. Take the necessary ownership and permissions of C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository (Owner, Full Control). Use icacls ... /save AclFile first, for later restoration.
  3. Copy the database file within: StateRepository-Machine.srd to a scratch area.
  4. Using a decent SQLlite editor or even with an open-source PowerShell extension perform the query UPDATE Package SET IsInbox = 0 WHERE PackageFullName LIKE '%Cortana%'
  5. Save the result to the database.
  6. Copy the database file back into place.
  7. Restore the Ownership (icacls ... /restore AclFile)
  8. Restart the service: Start-Service -Name StateRepository
  9. Confirm it's running: Get-Service -Name StateRepository
  10. Remove the package: Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Where-Object { $_.Name -like '*Cortana*' } | Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers


Posted 2015-08-02T19:57:58.667

Reputation: 131