How to use ntpdate behind a proxy?



Is it possible to use ntpdate behind an HTTP proxy with authentication? In case it is not possible, are there any good alternatives?

Ton van den Heuvel

Posted 2011-07-06T15:54:06.200

Reputation: 3 316

3If you are behind a HTTP proxy, it probably means you are in a company, and this company may provide it's own NTP services. – Tristan – 2017-02-15T12:57:54.980

What OS please? – KCotreau – 2011-07-06T17:09:14.403

Linux in my case (don't think it matters much though). – Ton van den Heuvel – 2011-07-06T19:52:54.153

It only mattered because it was harder to find anything remotely for Windows. The key search I used was "NTP over HTTP", in case you want to search further. – KCotreau – 2011-07-06T19:58:25.647



This seems like a clear case for tlsdate.

 tlsdate: secure parasitic rdate replacement

  tlsdate sets the local clock by securely connecting with TLS to remote
  servers and extracting the remote time out of the secure handshake. Unlike
  ntpdate, tlsdate uses TCP, for instance connecting to a remote HTTPS or TLS
  enabled service, and provides some protection against adversaries that try
  to feed you malicious time information.

I do not think i have ever seen so many recommendations to use unsanitized data from internet as an argument to a sudo invocation.



Posted 2011-07-06T15:54:06.200

Reputation: 657

1This answer should really be at the top. – Pi Delport – 2015-08-05T08:02:20.743

I didn't manage to get it work — with every combination it prints errors about false tickers. wget answer below does work. – Hi-Angel – 2016-07-28T07:20:53.677

Have been working it out on a Centos6.9 machine but no joy. This seems more healthy than other recommendations but it is not trivial to get it working... – Alfabravo – 2018-08-16T19:14:30.673


Expanding on the answer by carveone:

sudo date -s "$(wget -S  "" 2>&1 | grep -E '^[[:space:]]*[dD]ate:' | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*[dD]ate:[[:space:]]*//' | head -1l | awk '{print $1, $3, $2,  $5 ,"GMT", $4 }' | sed 's/,//')"


Posted 2011-07-06T15:54:06.200

Reputation: 471

When I made the comment the response for that command returned a day four days out of date. – Hansi – 2014-07-03T09:55:08.697

@ryenus This is a great answer. It works perfectly fine. However I have a problem when I put this command in a crontab job. Date's time part is made 00:00:00 whenever this job run. I tried to run in a shell script. Same result. – huzeyfe – 2014-09-04T11:38:10.317

@huzeyfe, would you please check if passing proxy to curl works?

– ryenus – 2014-09-04T16:19:42.907

Caveat, this would create file 'index.html*' in the current directory. – ryenus – 2014-02-25T02:27:46.417

Note that the short version should use since is redirecting to it via 301 now with the date "stuck" – Hansi – 2014-03-28T14:19:59.480


One Liner

Assuming environment variable http_proxy is already set:

sudo date -s "$(curl -H'Cache-Control:no-cache' -sI | grep '^Date:' | cut -d' ' -f3-6)Z"

we can verify the retrieved date/time first:

# local  date/time
date -d "$(curl -HCache-Control:no-cache -sI | grep '^Date:' | cut -d' ' -f3-6)Z"

# or UTC date/time
date -ud "$(curl -HCache-Control:no-cache -sI | grep '^Date:' | cut -d' ' -f3-6)"    


Just in case, certain options might be needed for curl:

  • curl -x $proxy

    to explicitly set the proxy server to use, when the http_proxy environment variable is not set, default to protocol http and port 1080 (manual).

  • curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache'

    to explicitly disable caching, especially when used in a cron job and/or behind a proxy server.

Alternate form tested with RHEL 6 that uses the '-u' option to date instead of appending the "Z" to the output:

sudo date -u --set="$(curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -sD - |grep '^Date:' |cut -d' ' -f3-6)"

BTW, is preferred over, because the former results in a 301 redirect response, which is much smaller (569 vs 20k+ characters) but still good to use.


Posted 2011-07-06T15:54:06.200

Reputation: 679

sudo date -s "$(wget -qSO- --max-redirect=0 2>&1 | grep Date: | cut -d' ' -f5-8)Z" – ryenus – 2014-09-29T06:32:20.587

^ above is the wget version, though I personally prefer using curl. – ryenus – 2014-09-29T06:35:00.460

2Passing unsanitized data from internet as a variable to a sudo invocation? Is it 1999? – dfc – 2014-09-29T08:16:35.280

2Or just use tlsdate and not rely on nasty kludges like this. – dfc – 2014-09-29T08:23:47.343

yes, it works with proxies. I read the question too. – dfc – 2014-09-29T15:25:22.273

zsh doesn't like the grep pattern without quotes around it; it results in (23) Failed writing body error. So when using zsh, use sudo date -s "$(curl -sD - | grep '^Date:' | cut -d' ' -f3-6)Z" instead. There is probably a ZSH configuration modifier that changes this behavior, but I don't know what it is.

Also, since we're talking about behind a proxy use, seems to be cached by some proxies (being a 301 redirect) while, being the live page, gets reloaded every time (and so its timestamp is accurate). – Ville – 2015-05-05T17:25:03.793

For a fully-working pre-baked implementation, see

– Jay Taylor – 2018-08-30T18:47:58.350


If it is purely an HTTP proxy, it is using port 80, so the basic answer is no to that specifically. NTP uses UDP port 123. If it is a more generic proxy server, serving all ports, then maybe.

There are some programs out there that do NTP over HTTP. I do not use Linux, but this one might do it: (still not sure if this will do authentication either).

I could not find one for Windows, but I will post back if I do.


Posted 2011-07-06T15:54:06.200

Reputation: 24 985

Again for Linux, so I cannot add much other than a link: There might also be something that one of these publishes:

– KCotreau – 2011-07-06T17:12:15.870

The NTP over HTTP link is inspiring, thanks for that! – Ton van den Heuvel – 2011-07-06T19:50:59.940


A quick and dirty solution for people behind a http proxy server:

My location is GMT+4, I can check out the current time from timeapi server with url, for more info pls checkout the website for your location.

To setup date & time I do:

time sudo date $(wget -O - "" 2>/dev/null | sed s/[-T:+]/\ /g | awk '{print $2,$3,$4,$5,".",$6}' | tr -d " " )

You can repeat the command if the initial 'time' command reports a high value...

Mehdi Amiri

Posted 2011-07-06T15:54:06.200

Reputation: 51

Thanks for the tip, I got it even easier: sudo date -s "$(curl -s" You don't need to pay attention to the timezone if your OS is set correctly. Linux recognizes the timezone provided in the string and sets the system time appropriately. – Melebius – 2014-04-15T06:12:41.607


NTP service is using UDP protocol to sync the time. So HTTP/TCP proxy may not work for it. Alternative to accepted answer, there is a good htpdate tool to sync time behind proxy.

A cron job example:

* 3 * * * /usr/bin/htpdate -s -P <PROXY_HOST>:<PROXY__PORT>


Posted 2011-07-06T15:54:06.200

Reputation: 121


Although ntp over http has been mentioned, I am surprised that nobody mentioned the nifty little utility htpdate as available on Unlike the alternatives, htpdate is part of Debian's and Ubuntu's default repositories and can be installed using apt-get.

It can be run both as an ordinary command or silently in daemon mode.


Posted 2011-07-06T15:54:06.200

Reputation: 121

Check my answer above. – artificerpi – 2019-06-14T06:50:08.563


Assuming the http_proxy environment variable is set:

wget -S --spider "" 2>&1 | grep -E '^[[:space:]]*[dD]ate:' | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*[dD]ate:[[:space:]]*//'

Or use curl -I --proxy="..." ""

After all, if Google's site doesn't have its time set there's no hope.


Posted 2011-07-06T15:54:06.200

Reputation: 318


Expanding on

Let's assume you're in Berlin (Germany).

Then use this:

sudo TZ=Europe/Berlin date -s "$(TZ=Europe/Berlin date --date='TZ="UTC" '"$(wget -S  "" 2>&1 | grep -E '^[[:space:]]*[dD]ate:' | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*[dD]ate:[[:space:]]*//' | head -1l | awk '{print $1, $3, $2,  $5 , $6, $4 }' | sed 's/,//')")"


Posted 2011-07-06T15:54:06.200

Reputation: 11

You should explain what is different in your solution in comparison to the answer by fiford_g. – pabouk – 2014-08-27T13:43:20.020


For a fully-working pre-baked implementation of @ryenus' excellent answer, check out

Jay Taylor

Posted 2011-07-06T15:54:06.200

Reputation: 183