Tag: ntpdate

50 How to use ntpdate behind a proxy? 2011-07-06T15:54:06.200

6 Linux ntpd and ntpdate service 2012-07-04T07:14:59.250

5 Why is my machine's time drifting so quickly? 2016-08-03T20:52:15.087

4 linux "date -s" command not working to change date on a server 2012-11-26T10:27:23.807

4 ntpdate[3912]: no server suitable for synchronization found 2013-05-03T21:29:51.230

2 How inaccurate is my system clock on Unix? 2012-02-24T01:00:46.977

2 system clock is 5.5 ahead although ntp 2013-05-12T09:34:12.363

2 ntpdate command not found [only when using with cron] 2013-07-16T09:00:46.540

2 Godaddy fails to properly configure NTP on their node server hosting my VPS 2014-01-31T08:44:39.527

2 clockdiff versus ntpdate -q 2017-07-27T05:03:45.917

1 Understanding time synchronization in Linux 2013-02-19T19:22:56.907

1 Synchronize Time in Linux 2016-04-24T17:29:17.670

1 How can I use my local time as the only reference of `ntpd`? 2018-02-05T02:27:42.547

1 Can I use the IP of an internal private NTP service instead pool.ntp.org spublic service with ntpdate? 2019-12-06T15:07:11.347

0 System time wrong after running ntpdate because DST ignored 2012-03-19T22:27:39.903

0 Explain ntpdate debugging output 2013-09-03T05:57:39.403

0 unable to install ntpdate on centos 2014-07-29T08:00:21.560

0 NTP - fix massive offset 2016-01-11T17:14:39.663

0 How to use adjtimex 2016-01-19T22:59:00.683

0 Determining default qualification thresholds for ntpstat 2016-10-12T15:42:40.923

0 Are ntpd and ntpdate both being run on my system? 2017-02-07T15:00:44.840

0 I want to my ntpd update time more frequently and asap 2019-03-16T11:50:06.393