How can I replace the default program providing console windows under Windows XP?
I know of alternative programs, and I have a shortcut to start cmd.exe
in Console2. But now I want console applications to start in Console2 rather than the default console program, even when I have no control over the program that starts the console application. (I.e. a non-console program starts consoleapp.exe
, and I can't change it to start Console2 instead, but I still want the application to be started inside a new instance of Console2.)
(Note that I want to replace the console itself, that is, the window in which console (i.e. text mode) applications run. And I must be able to run arbitrary, unmodified console applications: a substitute for a specific console program such as Cmd won't do me any good.)
EDIT: So what I'm after is a CSRSS replacement, which leads to
OT: I want to know when Microsoft is going to make a decent CSRSS replacement. Not being able to adjust the width of a "terminal" by resizing the window is a complete joke.
Go download the ISE already. (It's included in Win7/2008R2.)
But as far as I understand this ISE is an environment for Powershell, not a general console emulator.
The deficiency mentioned in your new quote does not apply to CMD when it is run inside Console2, anyway, IIRC. – paradroid – 2010-09-30T18:33:25.263
@jason404: Yes but if you double-click a batch file, for instance, it will not open in Console2. Instances like this are where you could actually need to replace the command line shell. I think it's a great question, +1. – Sasha Chedygov – 2010-09-30T20:09:40.400
May be "Attach" of std console into new tab of console emulator suit you? Manual attach, I mean. – Maximus – 2012-07-03T20:51:39.873
@Maximus I don't understand what you're refering to. By “std console”, do you mean CSRSS? Where is that “attach” thing? – Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' – 2012-07-03T20:59:57.600
ConEmu may attach any existing "real console" (CSRSS, yes) or simple GUI applications into its tab. Attach may be done manually from ConEmu interface, or by execution special command in console (if applicable). – Maximus – 2012-07-03T21:18:21.960
@Maximus I'd never heard of ConEmu before (I guess you mean this)? Thanks, I'll try it out next time I'm on a Windows machine.
– Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' – 2012-07-03T21:22:08.853@Maximus If ConEmu can solve my problem, then yes, please, post an answer. It's ok to post an answer about your own product as long as your post genuinely answers the question and you disclose that you are the author (see the [faq#promotion]). – Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' – 2012-07-03T21:44:46.390