How to get the current column name in Excel?



What is the function to get the current line number and the current column name for a cell in Excel?

Jader Dias

Posted 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

Reputation: 13 660

1I just found out the functions LIN and COL but the problem is they return numbers, and I need the column letter to INDIRECT it. – Jader Dias – 2011-07-28T14:36:19.137

2you can use the OFFSET function in conjunction with, or instead of, the INDIRECT formula in that case. If you want to use strings, though, I also updated my answer. – Breakthrough – 2011-07-28T14:39:14.150

By the way, INDIRECT is a volatile function, so use it sparingly. It does sound like am OFFSET might be a better choice here if you are basing the reference you want on some calculation of position. – AdamV – 2011-08-05T14:06:07.347



You can use the ROW and COLUMN functions to do this. If you omit the argument for those formulas, the current cell is used. These can be directly used with the OFFSET function, or any other function where you can specify both the row and column as numerical values.

For example, if you enter =ROW() in cell D8, the value returned is 8. If you enter =COLUMN() in the same cell, the value returned is 4.

If you want the column letter, you can use the CHAR function. I do not recommend the use of letters to represent the column, as things get tricky when passing into double-letter column names (where just using numbers is more logical anyways).

Regardless, if you should still want to get the column letter, you can simply add 64 to the column number (64 being one character less then A), so in the previous example, if you set the cell's value to =CHAR(COLUMN()+64), the value returned would be D. If you wanted a cell's value to be the cell location itself, the complete formula would be =CHAR(COLUMN()+64) & ROW().

Just an FYI, I got 64 from an ASCII table. You could also use the CODE formula, so the updated formula using this would be =CHAR(COLUMN() + CODE("A") - 1). You have to subtract 1 since the minimum value of COLUMN is always 1, and then the minimum return value of the entire formula would be B.

However, this will not work with two-letter columns. In that case, you need the following formula to properly parse two-letter columns:

=IF(COLUMN()>26,IF(RIGHT(CHAR(IF(MOD(COLUMN()-1,26)=0,1,MOD(COLUMN()-1,26))+64),1)="Y",CHAR(INT((COLUMN()-1)/26)+64) & "Z",CHAR(INT((COLUMN()-1)/26)+64) & CHAR(IF(MOD(COLUMN(),26)=0,1,MOD(COLUMN(),26))+64)),CHAR(COLUMN()+64))&ROW()

I'm not sure if there is an easier way to do it or not, but I know that works from cell A1 to ZZ99 with no problems. However, this illustrates why it's best to avoid the use of letter-based column identifiers, and stick with pure number-based formulas (e.g. using the column number instead of letter with OFFSET).


Posted 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

Reputation: 32 927

This works until you move to AA etc then its not going to work. – krystan honour – 2014-09-30T15:45:36.530

@krystanhonour use the last formula from my answer in that case... However, this will not work with two-letter columns. In that case, you need the following formula to properly parse two-letter columns: – Breakthrough – 2014-10-01T09:50:44.270

In the end I used Scot Suttons solution – krystan honour – 2014-10-01T10:03:34.720

This combined with Scott's answer is the solution for me – Adriaan Davel – 2016-11-22T06:40:04.823

It will work only for the first 26 columns. But that will do. – Jader Dias – 2011-07-28T16:53:21.640

1@Jader Dias that is why I recommend that you use OFFSET instead, which allows you to specify columns as numbers. Regardless, I updated the answer with a formula to extend it to work with two-letter columns. – Breakthrough – 2011-07-28T17:05:32.700

2I don't know why this answer got so many votes when Scot's answer is SO much better, except that he did not explain it. No complex formula needed. I added a comment to explain why/how it works. – Gerhard Powell – 2013-08-06T16:33:55.007


Try the following function:


Explanation: ADDRESS(row_num, column_num, [abs_num]). [abs_num] = 4 = relative address. That means there are no '$'s in the returned value. For Column 'AB', the ADDRESS will return 'AB1'. The substitute remove the '1'.

Scot Sutton

Posted 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

Reputation: 9


Try this

=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(CELL("address"),"$" & ROW(),""), "$", "")

This gives you exact column header, without any $ etc.

gaurav aggarwal

Posted 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

Reputation: 31


Type this into any cell:





You can replace column() by row number.


Posted 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

Reputation: 21


To get column name I used the following formulae.

For a particular cell:

=SUBSTITUTE(CELL("address",H3),"$" & ROW(H3),"")

For the current cell:

=SUBSTITUTE(CELL("address"),"$" & ROW(),"")

Try this variation. It works on 3-letter columns, and doesn't leave a "$" on the front end:


Vikas Madaan

Posted 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

Reputation: 11


Slightly manual but less VBA and a simpler formula:

  • In a row of Excel, e.g. cell A1, enter the column number =column()
  • In the row below, enter =Address(1,A1)
  • This will provide the result $A$1

Once values are copied, find and replace $ and 1 with blank.


Posted 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

Reputation: 21


This will work as well



Posted 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

Reputation: 11

Can you add some explanation to this. – ChrisF – 2012-12-14T13:57:12.237


Another possible way would be to use something like this:


Where colid refers to a named range you would create elsewhere within the workbook comprising two adjacent columns with multiple rows: the first column containing the numbers 1 to n corresponding to the COLUMN() number, the second containing the letters A - ZZ, or however many column references you wish to accommodate. The ROW() is fine left as it is to return the Row number.

So if you were to copy the above string to cell A1 of 'MySheet2', it would evaluate as =MySheet1!A1, and return the value it found in the corresponding cell of MySheet1.

This would enable you, for example, to use MySheet1 as a working area, to delete and re-insert new data, whilst any formatting or calculations in MySheet2 that refer to those contents will continue to work correctly with the new datasets from the target tabbed worksheet.


Posted 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

Reputation: 11


Solution for polish Excel version:

  • for a particular cell:
=PODSTAW(PODSTAW(KOMÓRKA("adres";B1);"$" & WIERSZ();""); "$"; "")
  • for the current cell:
=PODSTAW(PODSTAW(KOMÓRKA("adres");"$" & WIERSZ();""); "$"; "")


Posted 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

Reputation: 1


Here's a VBA, user defined formula, solution. It works with 1, 2, & 3 letter columns.

Put the following in a code module:

Function COLUMNLETTER(Optional rng As Range) As String
    'Returns the Column Letter of the top left cell in rng.

    If rng Is Nothing Then Set rng = Application.Caller
    COLUMNLETTER = Left(rng.Address(0, 0), IIf(rng.Column > 26, IIf(rng.Column > 702, 3, 2), 1))

End Function

=COLUMNLETTER() in any cell will return the column letter of the cell.
=COLUMNLETTER(B3) in any cell will return B.

This User Defined Function works great when creating generic formulas inside the INDIRECT function.


Posted 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

Reputation: 4 896



The address formula works by returning the column and row name. The returned format will always be $(Column Letters)$(Row Numbers) - e.g. $AA$2 or $XAA$243556

If we know that $ will always occur at the first character, we can use the first mid formula to start pulling characters after the first $ sign (i.e. the 2nd character).

Then, we find the next $ sign (as we know there will only be two) and we know how many characters there are between the first and the second dollar sign. The rest is simple subtraction.


Posted 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

Reputation: 1


Here's how you can find the column heading (i.e. the letter):



Posted 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

Reputation: 1


try this:



Posted 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

Reputation: 1


The following formula works no matter where you put it (it will give you back the column name).



Posted 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

Reputation: 1


try this:

=IF(COLUMN()>26,CHAR(COLUMN()/26 +64),"") & CHAR(MOD(COLUMN()-1,26)+65) & ROW()

this function effective until "ZY1" or column=701


Posted 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

Reputation: 1

4Please expand this answer by explaining what these functions are. – Kevin Panko – 2013-11-06T15:04:37.940

get the current column name in Excel, such as "A1", "B1", ... even up such as "AA1", "BA1", "CA1", ... – ayus – 2013-11-07T02:21:16.723




Posted 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

Reputation: 1