alt+tab on Windows 7 remoting to Windows XP


I am remoting into Windows XP, from a Windows 7 client using regular remoting client that comes with Windows.

in the options, it is set to use alt+tab on remote machine in fullscreen mode (which I am in) however it keeps using clients alt+tab.

same thing was happening for launchy (alt+space), but I simply quit local launchy, and than it started invoking the one on the remote machine.

what can I do to make alt+tab working on remote machine?

Sonic Soul

Posted 2010-11-18T17:06:48.630

Reputation: 606

As mentioned by kzh, ALT-PgUp works and it even works when in windowed mode, so it is a good workaround. Alt-tab should work in full screen mode when enabled in the settings (it works for me), so there might be some bug or quirk preventing it.

– David Balažic – 2015-07-15T15:01:56.907

ah, thanks for commenting, but no longer have that setup so can't confirm nor deny if that works in my case :( – Sonic Soul – 2015-07-15T15:18:16.663



I do it the nasty way: I use the on screen keyboard you find in accessories.

You can open it also from start-->execute--> osk.exe

I bet there's an elegant solution but this works :)


Posted 2010-11-18T17:06:48.630

Reputation: 1 766

damn.. but is that really better than just using task bar to switch between programs? – Sonic Soul – 2010-11-18T17:29:03.773

I just use it in awkward and extreme remote controlling situations to send key combinations (not the classic alt+tab, in the end, even if it works):) – Pitto – 2010-11-23T21:04:05.347


Some keyboard shortcuts are listed here:

Client         Equivalent     Description
=============  =============  ===========
ALT+TAB        ALT+PAGE UP    Switches between programs from left to right.
ALT+SHIFT+TAB  ALT+PAGE DOWN  Switches between programs from right to left.
ALT+ESC        ALT+INSERT     Cycles through the programs in the order they were started.
CTRL+ESC                      Switches the client between a window and full screen.
CTRL+ESC       ALT+HOME       Displays the Start menu.
ALT+DELETE                    Displays the Windows menu.
PRINT SCREEN   CTRL+ALT+-     Places a snapshot of the active window in the Remote Desktop session on the clipboard.
CTRL+ALT+DEL   CTRL+ALT+END   Displays the Task Manager or Windows Security dialog box. 
ALT+PRNTSCRN   CTRL+ALT+PLUS  Places a snapshot of the entire Remote Desktop session window on the clipboard. 


Posted 2010-11-18T17:06:48.630

Reputation: 3 213