How to merge Excel worksheets by stacking columns, using an ID column?


I have a Worksheet #1 containing:

ID        VALUE1
ABC       8274
DEF       613
GHI       236

and a Worksheet #2 containing:

ID        VALUE2
ABC       11.13
XYZ       173   
GHI       999

I'd like to merge them and have:

ABC   8274     11.13
DEF   613
GHI   236      999
XYZ            173   

How to do such a merging with Excel 2007?


Posted 2019-01-10T08:29:37.667

Reputation: 1 356



I reused the Data > Remove duplicate idea from @p.phidot's answer to do it this way:

  1. Copy the IDs from Worksheet #2 at the end of the ID column of Worksheet #1. Then go to menu Data > Remove duplicate.

  2. Copy the IDs from Worksheet #1 at the end of the ID column of Worksheet #2. Then go to menu Data > Remove duplicate.

  3. Then sort (ascending) each worksheet based on the ID column. Now the 2 worksheets have the exact same IDs!

  4. Now we can copy / paste data from both worksheets since the IDs are the same, in the same order.


Posted 2019-01-10T08:29:37.667

Reputation: 1 356

This is a lot more work and more error prone than the other answer – Alex M – 2019-12-20T20:13:37.783

@AlexM How so, can you give an example? – Basj – 2019-12-20T20:21:23.433

what @AlexM meant was.. if there is an extra/missing/additional in both/either one of the worksheet, the sort doesn't promise an accurate combined listing anymore.. ( : – p._phidot_ – 2019-12-21T11:05:53.247


TLDR : filter unique ID, then use index match + iferror() .

Assuming all you data header starts at cell A1 of each sheet. Put 'ID' text in cell A1 of a new sheet.. then :

  1. Copy both ID column and manually stack it > Then select (the combined column) > Data > Remove duplicate. [ now you have your column 1 ]

  2. fill in the 'VALUE 1' , 'VALUE 2' text in B1 & C1 as the header.

  3. put =IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet1!$B:$B,MATCH($A2,Sheet1!$A:$A,0)),"") in B2 & =IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet2!$B:$B,MATCH($A2,Sheet2!$A:$A,0)),"") in C2

  4. drag both cell downwards.

That should work. Have a try. ( :


Posted 2019-01-10T08:29:37.667

Reputation: 948

Thank you for your answer @p.phidot. I'll try this! BTW, would there be a way without such code, but only using menus / commands like - I don't know what it is! - "pivot table"? – Basj – 2019-01-10T10:13:57.057

AFAIK, nope. || Nonetheless, I don't know if some excel plugins can do this feature. Just suggesting.. but IMHO, this kind of thing (Excel plugin) is as close as a point-and-click option can get. ( :

– p._phidot_ – 2019-01-10T10:19:49.113

I reused your idea "Remove duplicate" to do this: What do you think?

– Basj – 2019-01-10T10:51:03.217

1Intuitively inspiring.. || That's what ring in my head when I read it.. Good job.. a good point-and-click option.. I like it. /(^_^) – p._phidot_ – 2019-01-10T10:57:22.020