Professional developer since 2001. AWS Community Builder since 2021.
Take ownership of projects, problems and solutions.
Build great tooling. bash hero, makefile ninja.
python is the scripting language of my choice – I avoid using scripting languages.
go is my preferred language.
Can lead, want to code.
I do the full stack:
- Application / Service / Microservice design
- Front- and backend development
- DB schema design – PostgreSQL, MySQL
- Observability – Metrics, logging, tracing
- Server administration / management & virtualization
- Containers – for development, testing, CI and prod
- Infrastructure as code – Terraform, CloudFormation
- Automation
- CI/CD – DotCI, Jenkins pipeline
As important as code is documentation: My code ships with Owner’s and/or User’s manual.
Plenty of experience working in widely distributed teams. Working remotely since 2013.
Familiar with many collaboration tools such as GitHub, Slack, HipChat, Zoom, Fuze, Jira, Asana, Trello, Confluence, MediaWiki…
Not ashamed to admit: I’m using Stack Overflow a lot – but I also give back: #2 contributor for ansible. 35k reputation, in list of top 5% answerers for git, docker, ssh, jinja2,…
Enjoy to contribute to open source. Maintainer of Ansible Silo.
Technologies I want to work with: go, aws, serverless, bash, automation, docker, python, chef
Things I don’t want to go back to: Ruby, Java, PHP, .NET