Questions tagged [zimbra]

Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) is a groupware product created by Zimbra, Inc., located in Palo Alto, California, USA.

The company was purchased by Yahoo! in September 2007, and subsequently purchased by VMware on Tuesday, January 12, 2010. The software consists of both client and server components. Two versions of Zimbra are available: an open-source version, and a commercially supported version ("Zimbra Network") with closed-source components such as a proprietary MAPI connector to Outlook for calendar synchronization.

221 questions
3 answers

Can I back up a Zimbra mail server by just using rsync?

I inherited management of a zimbra server whose backup system is in an unknown state. Looking at the manuals zimbra provides commands to perform backups at the application level which would be great but I am lacking disk space to use them. So…
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Connecting to Alfresco using IMAP from Zimbra webclient

For one of our clients, we need to establish IMAP protocol between the mail server and an ALfresco server (EDMS server). The objectif is : from an email, a user can access to his files in the server, and from the EDMS server, can access to his…
1 answer

Zimbra 8.7 invalid HELO on SMTP relay

I recently upgraded to Zimbra 8.7. We provide clients Authenticated SMTP relay, but several have older Outlook apps that are not sending a valid HELO in their connection. In 7.x versions of Zimbra, the mta would fix this on the fly by adding the…
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Zimbra learning Spam

We are using a Zimbra intallation on the version 8.6.0 and have diffuclty with the Spam recognition. It's an installation all on one single server and we collected in the mean time over 1000 Spam mails. Now we invested time to understand the way how…
Phillip St.
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Zimbra rebuild redolog folder

I have a mailserver with zimbra 8.6.0_ga 1153 version. I have a problem with redolog folder. The partition with redolog data is corrupted and is not recoverable. It is possible regenerate redolog files inside archive folder…
2 answers

zimbra: timezone not changing despite multiple attempts

I am using Zimbra ZCS8 for my company's email service. When any user receives or sends an email, the timezone being used is GMT-10. My timezone (and the one I need in the email server) is GMT-5. Despite my attempt to change this in several ways,…
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0 answers

Zimbra/Postfix on ubuntu stoped receiving emails from outside. Help to confirm this is not ISP blocking incoming port 25

I'm using zimbra on ubuntu as an email server behind a zentyal firewall. Im having problem Zimbra stopped receiving email from outside. Internal emails or outgoing is fine. ISP blocks all outgoing 25, but we are using their SMTP server. I have…
3 answers

Whitelist Single (Spoofed) Email Address on Zimbra/Postfix

I have setup Zimbra to reject emails originating from users that are not logged in (spoofed emails). I have this setup in /opt/zimbra/conf/domainrestrict This has been working great for a long while. I now have a need to "whitelist" a single email…
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Zimbra Anonymous TLS connections

We are running a Zimbra 8.6.0 mail server on an Ubuntu box. In mail log I am seeing some Anonymous TLS connection made to our server mail server.Is this something I should be worried. Jun 11 12:14:15 mail postfix/smtpd[2963]: Anonymous TLS…
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zimbra mail quota view command line

I am using zimbra 8.5. When i am trying to view the mail quota of all users from the admin GUI, the whole system hangs and we will have to restart the system to make it work again. I searched in google but the solutions are little bit confusing for…
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zimbra export messages in tar.gz by ID

I need delete old messages from zimbra account. by command: zmmailbox -z -m s -t message -l 999 "before:1/1/14" |awk '{ if (NR!=1) {print}}'| grep mess | awk '{ print $2 "," }' | tr -d '\n' I can recieve ID messages and I can…
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Zimbra Admin Page White Screen

I'm having an issue where my zimbra admin page (https://zimbraurl:7071/zimbraAdmin) is only showing a white page, F12 is giving me this error. I'm running version 8.6.0_GA_1191, I've gone though the typical troubleshooting, no errors in the…
Jacob Evans
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1 answer

What informations can be retrieved about a mail that was not delivered?

During the migration from our old mail server to Zimbra 8.6, we created a number of Distribution Lists, however, for some reason (our fault probably), one of those list which was supposed to hold 4 email adresses was empty, and so the mails…
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zimbra: Sender IP must resolve (in reply to RCPT TO command)

I am running a Zimbra mail server version 7.2.7 on a Linux CentOS server. My email address is When I send email to, the email immediately bounces, and the bounce email says: The mail…
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1 answer

Reject emails to specific email addresses with postfix

I want to reject any inbound email to, an example more people would want this would be internal distribution groups/aliases. I've tried header_checks without success: zmlocalconfig -e…
Jacob Evans
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