I'm having an issue where my zimbra admin page (https://zimbraurl:7071/zimbraAdmin) is only showing a white page, F12 is giving me this error.

Exception in launch(): undefined


I'm running version 8.6.0_GA_1191, I've gone though the typical troubleshooting, no errors in the /var/log/zimbra.log. I have also tried accessing the proxy port directly.

Possibly useful info:

[zimbra@zimbra ~]$ zmprov gacf | grep Admin zimbraAdminAccessControlMech: acl zimbraAdminConsoleCatchAllAddressEnabled: FALSE zimbraAdminConsoleDNSCheckEnabled: FALSE zimbraAdminConsoleLDAPAuthEnabled: FALSE zimbraAdminConsoleSkinEnabled: FALSE zimbraAdminImapImportNumThreads: 20 zimbraAdminPort: 7071 zimbraAdminProxyPort: 9071 zimbraAdminURL: /zimbraAdmin zimbraHttpContextPathBasedThreadPoolBalancingFilterRules: /zimbraAdmin:max=5% zimbraMtaBlockedExtensionWarnAdmin: TRUE zimbraReverseProxyAdminEnabled: FALSE zimbraReverseProxyAdminPortAttribute: zimbraAdminPort zimbraVirusWarnAdmin: TRUE

Results of /opt/zimbra/log/mailbox.log

2016-01-20 09:46:31,109 INFO [qtp509886383-113:] [ip=;ua=ZCS/8.6.0_GA_1191;] soap - GetDomainInfoRequest elapsed=0 2016-01-20 09:46:31,197 INFO [qtp509886383-112:] [ip=;ua=ZCS/8.6.0_GA_1191;] soap - GetDomainInfoRequest elapsed=0 2016-01-20 09:46:31,354 INFO [qtp509886383-118:] [ip=;ua=ZCS/8.6.0_GA_1191;] soap - GetDomainInfoRequest elapsed=0 2016-01-20 09:46:31,416 INFO [qtp509886383-116:] [ip=;ua=ZCS/8.6.0_GA_1191;] soap - GetDomainInfoRequest elapsed=1 with ?debug=1 enter image description here

Jacob Evans
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1 Answers1


I was able to fix this by installing zimbra on another machine (vagrant box) and then copy over /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/zimbraAdmin (retaining permissions).

diff showed a lot of differences, even though I was running the latest patched version it looks like some items were never updated.

I did use the same hostname on the vm as a precaution, it does appear that it would matter.

Jacob Evans
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