I am using Zimbra ZCS8 for my company's email service.

When any user receives or sends an email, the timezone being used is GMT-10. My timezone (and the one I need in the email server) is GMT-5.

Despite my attempt to change this in several ways, Zimbra is still stuck on using GMT-10.

I have tried:

  • changing the timezone in the Zimbra admin GUI
  • changing the timezone via the CLI, using zimbra user: zmprov mc default zimbraPrefTimeZoneId '(GMT-05.00) Bogota / Lima / Quito / Rio Branco'

I checked the linux server's time, and it is correctly set to GMT-5.

Any thoughts?

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2 Answers2


You can set your timezone at different levels within Zimbra, please check:

  • Configure -> Class of Service -> default -> Preferences: Time zone
  • Configure -> Domains -> 'domainname' -> General Information: Time zone
  • Manage -> Accounts -> 'account name' -> Preferences: Time zone

try the commands:

  • date
  • date -u

there should be 5 hours difference.

Micha Kersloot
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The Zimbra COS attribute zimbraPrefTimeZoneId is only applied to users if they do not have that attribute. Make sure your account doesn't have zimbraPrefTimeZoneId set like so:

zmprov ma someaccount@domain.com -zimbraPrefTimeZoneId

Also, are you certain that your account is in the default COS?

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