Questions tagged [xenserver]

XenServer is the virtualization platform Citrix has built around the Xen Hypervisor.

631 questions
1 answer

Active-passive xenserver bond availibility after stacked switch failure

Citrix documentation for Xenserver recommends that when physicals NICs participating in an active-passive bond, need to be connected to different switches, the switches must be stacked.. Would the bond still fail-over to any one of the NICs if one…
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Restore from XenServer LVM ddrescue image

the disks in my xenserver are dying. I could rescue some of the lvm volumes with ddrescue. Now I setup a new xenserer and I wonder how to restore from the rescued images. Anyone has experience with this? Thanks a lot in advance, grassu
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Citrix Xen Server 5.6: Virtual Machines (VM) Deleted or Gone Missing?

In my environment I have a Citrix Xen Server (ver 5.6) with multiple VM's setup in my lab on a local partition mount. I arrived to my lab setup last week to find that my VM's have gone missing. The local mount shows no data, as if someone logged in…
Jake A
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XenServer 6.2: unable to detach NFS mount

We recently lost an NFS server. It was used to export a drive with ISO files for use in XenServer patching / updating / etc. The server has been replaced but the mounted drive can't be removed from XenCenter or via the command line. What I've…
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OSSEC - Multiple VM's on a single DELL blade (XenServer Hypervisor)

I have a DELL blade with ~100 VM's (with a Citrix XenServer 6.1 hypervisor), all with ossec agent connected to a ossec server outside that same blade. I have a bit of a problem: they all run rootkit check at the same time, and their vDISK's are on…
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Xen Server 6.2 Upgrade to SP1

I installed Xen server 6.2 and I am currently playing around with it. I managed to install 1 vm, and I have applied all hotfixes available up to the Service Pack 1. That specific patch gives me an error. The command xe patch-list shows the…
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2 answers

Windows XEN VM - Any performance benefit with multiple partitions in the VM?

I'm moving a physical windows machine that has 2 disks and partitions setup for each to a Xen environment. Is there any performance benefit in setting up both partitions (C Drive and D Drive) for this VM in Xen? Or will Windows behave the same…
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Trouble with port 80 nating (XenServer to WebServer VM)

I have a rent server running XenServer 6.2 I only have 1 public IP so i did some NAT to redirect ports 22 and 80 to my WebServer VM. I have a problem with the port 80 redirection. When i use this redirection, i can get in the WebServer's Apache but…
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Fresh install of Xenserver 6.2 , cannot load tools in Guest Win7

I've just started testing the XenServer 6.2 offering.. it's awesome so far.. I've event loaded all the patches and hot fixes, and started a windows 7 guest image. I want to install tools, but whenever I click the install tools boxes.. I'm taken to…
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Changing XenServer from LVM SR to EXT SR

I'm trying to setup openstack using this page: Unfortunately I think when I setup xenserver it setup the local SR as LVM (which the page above says limits what openstack can do). The link on the…
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D-I-Y VPS Hosting for multiple domains (3) on a single static IP

and thanks for your input. What I want to do: I want to host some applications Web and email, for example, for myself and two clients on one static IP Address, primarily to learn, and possibly to consider some limited hosting for a couple of…
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0 answers

Cannot mount external FreeNAS NFS on XenServer VM or Dom0

I'm hoping someone can help identify a problem or at least send me in the right direction. I've created an NFS share on FreeNAS. The server has an external IP. I can mount this on my Debian machine (which is on the local network) with: mount -t nfs…
Paul Whalley
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1 answer

XenServer Host with single NIC

The Citrix documentation speaks volumes about NIC bonding, separating management and VM data, but is it so terrible to run a XenServer host with only a single NIC? The server that we have access to only accesses the network through a single NIC.…
Joseph Gardner
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1 answer

XenServer virtual network firewall

We are setting up XenServer machine with several VMs for our ecommerce business. We are intending to distribute services across several VMs (1 for web, 1 billing, 1 email, etc.) The XenServer machine has 2 NICs. My question is should we be using a…
Joseph Gardner
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2 answers

XEn server and san

I explain the situation I would create a volume (Mon) 4 server share on this part is successful with (multiple host access) but the second part is the problem i try to have my real-time synchronization of files. I add a file to the volume of a…
hughes boivin