Questions tagged [xauth]

9 questions
1 answer

X over ssh works for one user but not another

I have a CentOS 6.5 server with the following situation: I can ssh to the root user of this server from a Mac OS X machine. It connects relatively quickly, and allows me to fire off xterm sessions. I can ssh to a different account on this same…
Tony B
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2 answers

How secure is IPsec w/RSA but without XAuth username/passwords?

I'm using pfSense 2.0 and have an IPsec VPN configured (which uses the Raccoon IPsec daemon). I'm connecting to the VPN using my iPhone (iOS 5). However, the iPhone doesn't allowing saving of XAuth username and passwords. How secure is it to remove…
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Is there a way to use an external program to authenticate XAuth with StrongSwan IPSec?

I'm currently using StrongSwan for my iOS devices to connect. I was wondering if there is a way to use an external program for XAUTH? I currently have the following configuration: : RSA server.pem test : XAUTH "thisisatestpassword" What I want to…
1 answer

Timeout in locking /.Xauthority

I have google searched and everyone who has this problem has an error in locking /home/user/.Xauthority. The issue is that it is trying to lock /.Xauthority. Obviously there is no .Xauthority in /, and even if there was it would not be accessible…
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2 answers

SSH X11 forwarding does not work. Why?

This is a debugging question. When you ask for clarification please make sure it is not already covered below. I have 4 machines: Z, A, N, and M. To get to A you have to log into Z first. To get to M you have to log into N first. The following…
Ole Tange
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cygwin help: Xlib: connection to "ip:0.0" refused by server

I followed cygwin user guide as below: on windows xp, i started Cygwin/X->XWin server, EXPORT DISPLAY=:0.0 ssh -Y user@ip i saw below warning Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication…
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1 answer

How to setup X-SID , X-AUTH & X-DKIM at windows server 2008 r2 with IIS 7.5

I am very sad that my legit emails drops to spam box while i receive many spam emails into my inbox. I very rarely send announcement emails to my all registered members (over 400k right now) but most of them dropping the spam box. I am right now…
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0 answers

How to config IPSEC XAUTH PSK in StrongSwan without using CA file?

Iam using strongSwan 5.6.2 on Ubuntu18. I can use Strongswan client on Android to connect it , also it works with win7 IKEV2. However I am in China so that it is imposible to access Google Play at first time to install the Strongswan client. so…
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1 answer

What could cause "Selected peer config inacceptable" errors bringing up VPN with strongswan?

Trying to use Strongswan to connect to a work VPN and getting "selected peer config inacceptable" errors in the logs which I haven't been able to find any info on in Google: ~$ sudo ipsec up VDI initiating Aggressive Mode IKE_SA VDI[1] to…
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