I have google searched and everyone who has this problem has an error in locking /home/user/.Xauthority. The issue is that it is trying to lock /.Xauthority. Obviously there is no .Xauthority in /, and even if there was it would not be accessible to a user. This problem is only occuring with one user, all other users work fine. What should I check? Here's what happens:

[root@box dir]# ssh USER@HOST
USER@HOSTS's password: 
Last login: Thu Jul 25 10:09:19 2013 from OTHER_HOST
(30 sec later)
/usr/bin/xauth:  timeout in locking authority file /.Xauthority
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1 Answers1


Check that your user actually has a valid home directory, which exists and is accessible by that user. This error indicates that the user's home directory is set to /, which is not going to be valid.

Michael Hampton
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