Questions tagged [wmi]

Windows Management Instrumentation

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is the infrastructure for management data and operations on Windows-based operating systems. You can write WMI scripts or applications to automate administrative tasks on remote computers but WMI also supplies management data to other parts of the operating system and products, for example System Center Operations Manager, formerly Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM), or Windows Remote Management (WinRM).

396 questions
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Windows Server - WMI Permission?

This question is related to this one. I am trying to get some disk sensor data via WMI (W2012R2). Therefore I added a user wmiagent and granted some rights. I did it exactly like in this guide. Some commands like checkmem work fine so the connection…
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How to show powershell input as part of output

I'm trying to get the OS version of a selection of the computers on my domain. I created a powershell command that does this but it is missing the computer name on the output. This is the command Get-ADComputer -Filter {name -Like "test"} | select…
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Which registry key corresponds to "Log on as a service"?

I want to be able to set this value programmatically (preferably via WMI). It must live in the registry or some other location. Yes, I know how to do it via MMC using secpol.msc, but I need to automate this.
Mark Richman
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Poll domain members for their screen resolutions

Is there a way via WMI or Powershell to ask each domain member what the resolution is on their desktop? I need to know but can't go and visit each one. For bonus points, how to summarize the results and only display one unique result per resolution?…
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Executing a batch file containing an exe path remotely via wmic

I have a batch file on Computer-A that contains several commands and a path to an exe file. When I execute the batch file on Computer-B via wmic, I can see all the commands being executed in the batch file except that it does not run the exe. What…
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Query "SELECT * from Win32_Process" hangs indefinitely

As a part of a larger C# code base, I've been running the following query regularly on the same machine (Windows XP SP2): "SELECT * from Win32_Process" It's been working as expected until today. Now, the query hangs indefinitely without returning…
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SCCM Adhoc Advertisement

Is there a way to create a local advertisement on a machine to run a package/program? Purpose being for testing, or even adhoc deployment. Instead of creating a test advertisement and collection, waiting for the collection refresh etc, a local…
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WMI filter working for some Windows 7 machines but not for others

I'm trying to use this WMI filter for our Windows 7 64bit machines: select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where (Caption like "Microsoft Windows 7%") or (Version like "6.1%" and ProductType = "1" and OSArchitecture = "64 ビット") or (OSArchitecture like…
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What rights should non-admin user have to run Get-WmiObject?

I am trying to monitor windows machine with the help of wmi and powershell remoting. I managed to successfully start remote session with that machine throught non-admin user account, but now I have a problem with running WMI queries. My user is in…
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"HP Insight Management WBEM Providers" download

I am trying to query a Proliant Server's health thru Powershell. But I can't find a place to download the HP Insight Management WBEM Providers from here. Is there any other Powershell equivalent of the HPacucli.
Ayan Mullick
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Access to RSOP via WMI

I need to retrieve data from RSOP using the following script written in VBS: Const FL_FORCE_CREATE_NAMESPACE = 5 strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,AuthenticationLevel=default}!\\" &…
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How can I monitor and graph this WMI/WQL data?

How can I graph this data? Looking for a non-cumbersome way to put this data into a graph/webpage. select writeiops from Win32_PerfFormattedData_ISEVirtualDisks_ISEVirtualDisks WHERE NAME = "trax2" select readiops from…
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Powershell script to retrieve the same kind of info reported by DMDIAG for dynamic disks

This article about windows partition alignment explains that checking the alignment offset of dynamic disks can be done with the DMDIAG tool to get the "relative sectors" property. With dynamic disks the StartingOffset property, reported by the…
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1 answer

IBM Server IMM settings throughWMI

We have few windows servers 2008 where we need to find out IP Address of IMM module. Is there any way we can query it using WMI?
0 answers

Unable to launch SQL Server Configuration Manager - WMI provider issue

Hoping you can help. I am having issues opening SQL Server Configuration Manager on Server 2k3 with the following error: Cannot connect to WMI provider. You do not have permission or the server is unreachable. Note that you can only manage SQL…
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