Questions tagged [winscp]

WinSCP is an open source free SFTP, FTP and SCP client for Windows. WinSCP is commonly used by power users to upload files to web servers. Beyond this, WinSCP offers scripting and .NET assembly to automate file transfer tasks.

WinSCP is an open source free SFTP, FTP and SCP client for Windows. Its main function is file transfer between a local and a remote computer.

WinSCP is commonly used by power users to upload files to web servers.

WinSCP can be used to automate file transfer tasks, either using basic scripting interface or, for advanced tasks, using .NET assembly.

For details see:

78 questions
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Error: 0xC002918F at FTP Task, FTP Task: Unable to connect to FTP server using "FTP Connection Manager"

I am trying to download data files from a FTP server to local machine through SSIS. But it throws the error Error: 0xC002918F at FTP Task, FTP Task: Unable to connect to FTP server using "FTP Connection Manager". I have even explored all the…
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WinSCP from Windows 2000 server to Windows 2016 OpenSSH server refuses to start shell/command

I have a Windows 2000 server that I installed WinSCP 4.4.0 on, and a Windows 2016 server that I installed an OpenSSH server on. I can ssh into the Windows 2016 server fine from Linux, as well as from the Windows 2000 server using PuTTY. I can also…
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How to allow an SCP client to change file mod time without being the owner

WinSCP complains at me when it tries to change the file modification time of a file it doesn't own. It says, set times: Operation not permitted. I can remove this error message by unchecking "Preserve timestamp" in WinSCP settings (as described…
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VSFTP Not Working After Static IP Change

Basically this is the deal. I install vsftpd everything was working fine with dynamic ip and these vsftpd.config settings, could easily access through…
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Change the default SCP command flags in Linux

I am trying to move a file from a virtual machine (Ubuntu 18.04) on my local system to a remote server using a very basic scp command. This issue is present only on one particular server, others work fine so it is not a generic thing. scp
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Automated SFTP transfer using WinSCP - how safe is it to store credentials in Windows environment variables?

I've had to implement an automated SFTP file transfer which requires a username and password. Not wanting to leave the password in a text file / batch script for the world to stumble across, I've elected to store the username and password in a…
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Network error: Software caused connection abort(SSH)

Firstly i apologize my English. Our Azure Linux(Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS) instance has been running for more than a 2 months now. Suddenly tuesday night without any configuration to server, I get randomly "Software caused connection abort" from my…
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Opening winscp in the same folder as opened putty session

Say I am in /home/user/folder1/folder2/ in putty i want to open winscp in that folder.I can do the other way around; Open putty in current folder from winscp.Or atleast is there any other software that manages both ssh and sftp both and can provide…
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Auto-retry synchronize when connection is lost

I have an script like this: open ftps:// -explicitssl -certificate="..." option batch continue mkdir remotedir cd remotedir lcd "local directory" synchronize remote -criteria=size exit Everything works fine, but, if the…
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WinSCP successfully uploads to a CIFS automount but fails on the final rename

One system has CIFS autofs home directories. I can upload files without issue but it seems to be failing on the final rename: But I can see the file uploaded, just with the .filepart extension: The final file is intact, the only thing that seems…
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WinSCP, Debian & Sublime Text - File change not recognised by server

I'm connecting to a Debian server using WinSCP (with private key not password if that makes a difference). It's setup so that when I double click on a file it opens in Sublime Text (v3, Build 3065). Now when I save in Sublime it WinSCP detects the…
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how to avoid console network error (host is not communicating) when passwd or update?

I am trying to change the root password and update ssl package but the commands passwd or yum update {package} make the console loops endlessly. I have set the buffer to 600 sec. which I am reaching everytime, and the console is aborting a few…
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CentOS ssh connection stalls after server bandwidth upgrade

I have a few linux servers inside a customer that recently MASSIVELY increased his bandwidth - from about 0.8/5mbps to 25mpbs/100mbps... (yes 100mpbs!) this is very good, but ever since my WinSCP/Putty connections go stalled if I leave them for a…
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How To Block FTP Users From Changing File Permissions

I have been tasked with trying to reproduce an issue one of our developers is running into. On certain FTP servers, the FTP library he is using (Starksoft/Biko) returns a "530: Not Logged In" error. But, if we connect manually to these servers we…
3 answers

Install Java EE 6 on CentOS 6

Having problems installing Java EE 6 in CentOS 6 x32. I have removed all previous version of Java and freshly installed temporally jdk1.6.0_34. So my $PATH variable goes to:…
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