Questions tagged [wins]

63 questions
0 answers

Computers not showing up in each other's workgroup browser

I have set up a VPN network between my Windows 7 home computer and my remote Windows Server 2003. This all works fine, the computers can ping each other and I can also access the server's smb shares using it's IP address ( or even its…
2 answers

Troubleshooting WINS errors

We have domain controllers in three locations running the WINS role. Two of them are Windows 2008 and one is 2003. They are set up to replicate WINS with eachother every 30 minutes (the default, I believe). Every hour each of them is logging Event…
3 answers

Mac computers unable to connect to samba

I have a Ubuntu 9 server with samba 3.3 installed. This server has two network interfaces, one to a "public network" which I do not have any control over and another to a private LAN. On the private LAN, samba is the Domain Controller and nmbd is…
0 answers

Issue getting DNS wild card A Record (*) working

I have a sub domain named subdomain under main domain named maindomain. Inside subdomain i have wild card (*) A Record that maps to a particular IP Address. This works fine and when i say ping, i get the reply back…
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How does netstat get a hostname from IP while nslookup & nblookup fail every time?

In Windows Server 2003, when I run netstat with no flags, it takes much longer than netstat -n to return results. I realize this is because it has to perform reverse lookups by IP address to get the corresponding hostname. There are some rows in…
Nico M
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OpenVPN: Setting DNS & WINS servers to Windows client, without DHCP

I have a few Windows 7/8 clients connecting to a Linux OpenVPN Server (tap). I'd like to set the clients' DNS and WINS servers upon connection. The OpenVPN isn't acting as DHCP server; there is an independent DHCP sever in the network. The most…
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Where to find WINS IP address in registry?

I have been writting a powershell script to remotely dump the TCPIP information from the registry of machines in my Windows Domain. I was able to dump the default gateway, subnet mask, DHCP server and DNS server. However, I could not find out…
Blue Tongue
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Using WINS forwarding with DNS across two subnets?

I have two suubnets... All of the workstations on these subnets point to one Windows Server 2003 DNS. Windows Server 2003 supports forwarding unknown DNS requests to a WINS server. If I setup a WINS server, would this allow me to support file…
Matt McCormick
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1 answer

Cannot browse remote networks even with WINS configured

As the NetBIOS protocol acts on Layer 2 and so is not routable, In order to enable network browsing of remote networks, WINS has been installed and configured on two domain controllers, both of which are on different networks. The WINS servers seem…
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How to set interface settings for WINS using netsh?

On the Advanced settings in the of a network interface Properties there is the WINS tab, where the address for the WINS server can be set. How do I add the address using netsh instead, for both interfaces with static addresses, and ones with…
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Accessing machine by name in a Windows 2003 RRAS VPN not working as required

I have a Windows 2003 RRAS VPN with two clients (both running Windows 7). The VPN works as expected, except that I am unable to access any of the three machines in the network using their Windows names. The server has a static IP, and the clients…
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NetBIOS name resolution - how can I get to work?

Two machines connected to a switch: WLADIMIR (XP Home SP3) and DAGO (Win7 Pro). WLADIMIR has received via DHCP, DAGO has received They can ping each other by IP address. Now, I'd like to get the NetBIOS names to work…
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windows 2003 does not answer WINS questions occassionally

A follow-up to XP Clients lose WINS registrations I have now run wireshark on an XP workstation as the problem occurs. A request for "foo" goes to the AD server which responds with "Requested name does not exist" yet on the AD server itself it can…
2 answers

Server resolves to correct IP when using FQDN but incorrectly when using shortname

Win2k3 environment using WINs server resolves to the correct IP when I use the FQDN, but resolves to a different IP when I use the shortname. I've tried resetting NetBios cache and purging/reloading remote cache table (nbtstat), but that doesn't…
1 answer

How to define a different name for each IP/NIC in the same PC

In a machine with multiple IP(s) (all in the same subnet) Using NETBIOS or WINS (no DNS) I want to PING this machine using a name for each IP (or a name for each NIC) for example, this IP(s) are in the same computer: and and…
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