I have been writting a powershell script to remotely dump the TCPIP information from the registry of machines in my Windows Domain. I was able to dump the default gateway, subnet mask, DHCP server and DNS server. However, I could not find out where in the registry the WINS server IP addresses are stored. Currently, I am targeting Windows 7 machines.

FYI. I retrieve the TCPIP info the registry path below: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces...

... but there is not WINS server information.

Any help will be much appreciated as I could not find it from the web so far. Thanks.

Blue Tongue
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1 Answers1


The path you're looking for is here:


NameServerList is a multistring which usually has all WINS IP Addresses, it will be empty if there aren't any.

Additionally, the second part of this document covers the location of WINS / NetBios registry settings for server 2003, most of which haven't changed in Windows 7:


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