Questions tagged [windows-terminal-services]

"Terminal Services" is the name used in Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and earlier, for what is in later versions known as "Remote Desktop Services". It allows its users to run applications on a remote server, sending only mouse/keyboard input and screen updates across the network.

309 questions
1 answer

Pop-out of hyper-v window when connected to host through terminal services?

I sometimes use Terminal Services to remote into my work machine. Then, on my work machine, if I enter a Hyper-V window that's maximized, I can't figure out how to minimize the Hyper-V window to get back to my host machine. It's quite…
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3 answers

Two SBS 2003 Servers, two domains, one company, Exchange, and Terminal Services

Possible Duplicate: Can you help me with my software licensing question? Here's the scenario; please let me know if I haven't provided enough info. Business 1 went out of business, and their assets were purchased by Business 2. Business 1 had an…
3 answers

Setting up Terminal Services on Windows 2008 R2 server for the first time to connect 20 remote users

Any advice on where I should begin in terms of resources or videos? Outstanding questions are: Should we use Remoteapp or Sessions Understanding and deploying TS gateway How does SAV work with individual sessions (viewing them as virtual…
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Getting an Intermittent Error through Windows Terminal Server: "Because of an error in data encryption this session will end"

I have a user who is getting this error Intermittently from a terminal server session through windows 2003: "Because of an error in data encryption, this session will end". Any idea why this is happening and how to prevent it from happening in the…
3 answers

Windows Server 2008 RDP-TCP Certificate keeps going back to Auto generated

Our servers undergo periodic PCI compliance scans and we have a Windows 2008 server machine that we have port 3389 open for RDP. It is secured with SSL, but it is failing the scan because their test says: SOLUTION: Please install a server…
3 answers

RDP Acceleration

Possible Duplicate: How to get Faster RDP HI Does anyone have experience of any good RDP Acceleration software / hardware. We are running over 250 terminal server connections to hyper-v servers and when our users access Flash or PDFs the lag is…
Adam Chetnik
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Why my clipboard can only paste out from RDP into my desktop not the other way around?

I'm having very weird problem in my TS RDP connection, I can copy and paste from my TS RDP out into my desktop (from any program into any program in my home workstation) but somehow I cannot copy paste from my desktop into my TS RDP (from any…
1 answer

Non-trusted users on terminal services

We're considering to enable our >10 suppliers (mainly from China) to input/edit/view data via an unified interface. The preferred way is to use the same windows-based .NET/MSSQL application as used internally. As the application needs a direct…
2 answers

Does Microsoft have a non-hack method for turning off the 'X' to disconnect terminal RDP?

Hoping this goes here... We have issues when users disconnect from terminal services instead of logging off. Does Microsoft have a non-hack method for disabling the Close caption on the taskbar as well as disabling the 'X' in the control…
1 answer

Terminal services and screen savers

I have a Window Server 2008 R2 server acting as a terminal server for mobile devices running a single application, but I am having issues with the screen saver popping on after ten minutes. Is there a setting in terminal services to make the…
1 answer

Differences between Remote Desktop and Terminal services

What is the difference between Remote Desktop Services and Terminal Services? We run a Windows Server 2008 R2 server. There are several administrators who need to access this server. Windows 2008 allows only two concurrent sessions with different…
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Is there a way to disable the disconnect message in RDP?

Is there a way to disable the disconnect message in RDP? This is the message I am asking about: Does anyone know if this is possible?
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8 answers

Advantages of Terminal Server instead of normal client-Server installation?

What are the advantages of using a (Windows) Terminal Server and thin clients instead of using a normal Server and full clients? So far I've only really used normal servers and clients, but now customers ask about terminal Server, and I'd like to…
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Cannot Connect Via RDP

I cannot connect via RDP to a win2003 server. Terminal services say that they're started, but a netstat shows nothing to do with port 3389. Any ideas?
1 answer

Error connecting to Windows 2K3 server over remote desktop

I have a Windows 2003 server that gives the following error every time I try to connect over remote desktop: The system cannot log you on due to the following error: The specified domain either does not exist of could not be contacted. Please try…