Questions tagged [windows-terminal-services]

"Terminal Services" is the name used in Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and earlier, for what is in later versions known as "Remote Desktop Services". It allows its users to run applications on a remote server, sending only mouse/keyboard input and screen updates across the network.

309 questions
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Windows 2003 TS sessions freeze one second after logging in

We have a Windows 2003 TS server, and when I log in 90% of the time the session immediately freezes after about a second. The mouse pointer appears to move, but windows are sometimes partially drawn, nothing updates, and I cannot click on anything.…
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Blocking Control Panel, Administrative Tools for specific users when connected via Remote Desktop?

I've setup Terminal Server on Windows Server 2003. I have problem with permission on this server. On server I have administrator account and some user accounts. How can I block Control Panel, Administrative Tools, command prompt etc only for user…
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How can I stop the OpenFileDialog in Office from displaying my Network computers?

We have a Windows Server 2008 running Terminal Services. Users typically use the Drop Down menu at the top of the dialog to select a location to open/save their file. The problem is that by default the DropDown expands the first level item under…
2 answers

Restrict access to Windows Terminal Services with dynamic IP address clients

In light of some recent worms I'm looking at ways to further restrict access to terminal services on my public facing Win2k3 server. Are firewall IP address restriction is not an option as the genuine clients are all on dynamic addresses. It seems…
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Windows SBS 2008 user unable to RDP in even though it is in the correct groups

Problem: A user was accidentally deleted from a Windows SBS 2008 server running Active Directory and we have been unable to grant it RDP rights - the error message states that the account needs to be granted 'Logon through Terminal Services…
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Slow printing using Windows Server 2008 easyprint, Lexmark example

Morning, We're currently in a project of moving a big customer (~300 users) from a Server 2003 terminal server environment to a 2008 to get around Tricerat licenses and some other old software. Earlier we've used Tricerat's "Screwdriver" to manage…
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What is the best way to lock down a terminal services user (via RDP) on 2008 Server

I want my RDP users into Terminal Services to be able to open only one specific program for now and that's it. I don't want them going to Control Panel, Other program etc. What is the best way to do this? I have looked into the LGPE for Software…
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After making a server into a secondary DC, it no longer allows remote desktop connections other than Aministrator

Earlier this morning I dcpromo'ed my second server to be DC2. Everything is working great except for the fact that users aren't able to remote into it. The user I am trying with is "cs". "Cs" is a member of Domain Users, Remote Desktop Users, and…
1 answer

How to Setup Java Application to run in Terminal Services

I have a 'desktop' java application which is in the form of a .jar file. How can I: Store this application on a single server. Grant access via Terminal Services to a specific OU to run this application from the central location. Disallow the…
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3 answers

How to Set Terminal Services User Preferences?

The server that hosts my terminal service is set to use dd/mm/yyyy and Pounds for currency. When I login as a user instead of getting the aforementioned settings I get mm/dd/yyyy and Dollars for currency; however, if I login as an administrator, the…
1 answer

Citrix XenApp-like terminal services for MacOSX?

I was wondering if anyone has ever worked with a Citrix XenApp-type terminal services for MacOSX? I want to be able to Virtualize MacOSX desktops and workspaces so that our designers can login to the same workspace anywhere they go. XenApp was the…
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Establish a performance baseline for terminal server windows machines

I need to establish a performace basline for our Terminal Server machines. i plan to use perfmon , and will have a SCOM server on the site very soon. The terminals are used as a desktop environment for thin clients. The users use office, outlook,…
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Problem with Windows 2008 GPO policies: cannot apply to single user

I have been trying to setup a GPO policy for a single user ( administrator ) in Windows Server 2008. I have aprox. 50 users using Terminal Service in this server and need to make a different configuration of timeout for administrator user. So, I: 1)…
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How to troubleshoot down terminal service/CITRIX sessions, when the process just won't terminate?

Running a CITRIX presentation server farm, version 4.5.6 on Windows 2003 sp2. In the CITRIX Access Management Console, I sometimes get a session that shows it's in a down state - but has none of the normal info associated with it (user name,…
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1 answer

Temporary user-profiles on Windows Server 2008 TS

for a publicly accessible terminal server I have created a user profile which only allows running of a few programs (demonstration of applications). This results in many people connecting to the same user name on the server, essentially sharing the…