Questions tagged [windows-terminal-services]

"Terminal Services" is the name used in Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and earlier, for what is in later versions known as "Remote Desktop Services". It allows its users to run applications on a remote server, sending only mouse/keyboard input and screen updates across the network.

309 questions
0 answers

Issue with users logging onto terminal server

We have a certain number of users who cannot login on the TS server we have running here. When connecting the server says Please wait for user profile service, loading desktop and then goes straight to logging off and then the connection closes. We…
Aaron Piller
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3 answers

Windows Server 2008 R2 allows many local RDS connections, but only one remote

I'm trying to set up an instance of Server 2008R2 with RDS. I have a 20 User and 20 Device CAL that I can choose from, but either one is not enabling me to have multiple remote connections. I can connect via localhost as much as I want, but…
1 answer

What license do you need to run MS Project on a MS terminal server?

Possible Duplicate: Can you help me with my software licensing question? We're running two terminal servers. On each of them we need MS Project 2007. What license is needed for MS Project?
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How to synchronize applications between two terminal-service servers?

We have two terminal-service server and we use Network Load Balancing (NLB) to cluster this two terminal-service servers together. We need to have the same applications installed on the two servers, because if one user who uses the terminal is…
2 answers

restrict user to only 2 sessions

I need to limit the number of sessions a USER can have on our rdp server. I have the option to allow : I found this setting to allow multiple connections: but I wasn't sure that is what I…
1 answer

Can the same server be used for both Citrix and Microsoft RemoteApp publishing?

We have a QA team that needs to test both Citrix and Microsoft RemoteApp publishing and we are wondering if the same server could be used for both systems. We already have a Citrix environment but need to add a few more servers to the test farm.…
Greg Bray
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How can I prompt Mac clients connecting to RDS/Terminal Services to change password at first login?

This is my first implementation of Remote Desktop Services/Terminal Services; we are using it as a solution for Mac clients that need to run a piece of new Windows-only software. My question is about streamlining the user installation process. We…
1 answer

disable audio on remote desktop

I am running a Windows 2008 server that has remote users connecting to it via terminal services. I have group policies in place for each organization that connects. Is there a way, through group policies, to disable audio on a remote desktop…
0 answers

Outlook 2007 can't logon to Exchange 2010

There is a bizzare problem with one, specific user. Server: Windows 2003 TS, Outlook 2007 SP3 Exchange 2010 SP1 There was a user, let's say User01 with Exchange Mailbox. For some reason (unrelated to Exchange issues - before everything was fine) i…
1 answer

TS_Block and Windows 2008

I am running a Windows 2008 Server and I have installed ts_block on it to help block RDP brute force attempts on the server. Question 1: What I wanted to know is there any benefit for me using ts_block because my server only allows users to RDP…
1 answer

Unable to install Office 2007 on Windows 2003 Terminal Server

I have two Windows 2003 Terminal Servers (and another 2003 TS Server that controls it all) that a couple users connect to from a remote office. They have Office 2003 Enterprise installed. I'm attempting to upgrade them to Office 2007…
1 answer

Suddenly all drive letters mapped and shown as disconnected

We're currently facing an issue where at some point between 12am & 5am every night all drive letters that weren't in use become mapped* and show up as disconnected on a Server 2008 R2 Terminal server. We're unable to remove these mapped drives via…
2 answers

Trigger event to fire when user connects to a terminal server?

We have a (very) fragile software suite running on a server in our datacenter that requires a user to be logged in, but freaks out and crashes if the user logs in twice (resource contentions, all sorts of issues) Due to its fragile nature, certain…
1 answer

Qwinsta: Do disconnected sessions tie up server resources

When running qwinsta I see both connected and disconnected user sessions on a Windows server. I end up cleaning up all the sessions marked with disc just because it seems like good housekeeping. However, I'm wondering if having many disconnected…
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Moving Microsoft Terminal Services from one server to another

What is the easiest way to move all settings and users' profiles from one terminal server to another one? Both on Windows Server 2008.