Questions tagged [windows-registry]

The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that stores configuration settings and options on Microsoft Windows operating systems. It contains settings for low-level operating system components as well as the applications running on the platform.

397 questions
2 answers

Is it possible to fix "Logon User Interface DLL acmsgina.dll failed to load"?

Here is the scenario: installing an update to ActivCard (6.1) to a Windows XP laptop. After the required reboot, Windows XP brings up the default blue background, waits for quite a long time and then brings up the following dialog: User Interface…
Bob Cross
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1 answer

How does the folder redirection policy actually work?

It looks to me like folder redirection edits the following two registry keys to point folders to a different location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell…
1 answer

RegEdit Error "Cannot Find the File Specified" Accessing Key

I have a corrupted install of Symantec Endpoint Protection on one of my Windows Server 2012R2 servers and I am trying to manually remove the software (following Symantec's guide). Two of the keys (HKLM\Software\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint…
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1 answer

Authentication issue running search command in private docker registry

I'm setting up a private Docker registry using the official image. I have started an instance using the following docker-compose file: registry: restart: always image: registry:2.3.1 ports: - 5000:5000 environment: …
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3 answers

How to see what Windows registry and file system changes happened after a software install?

I'm solving a problem - I'm installing software on Windows and it makes the system unstable for some reason. Windows starts crashing soon after. I want to know what changes it made to the registry and also to the file system. Does anyone know a tool…
Boda Cydo
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1 answer

How to find a path where an application was set up?

I'm unsure whether I should put this question in Serverfault or Stackoverflow. I'm developing a script (so 'press start->search' is not an option) and try to find out a way to find where an application was installed. I already have the app…
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1 answer

How to monitor Windows server Registry changes

Hi i want tools or audit policy that can help me to track all changes made to windows server registry (include who done the change - what is the old value -what is new value -change type {delete -create - modify) Your support is highly appreciated
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1 answer

How to Export a Registry HIVE (NTUSER.DAT) in PowerShell

In order to resolve a registry bloat issue caused by Samsung Print Drivers I'm needing to find a way to Export a user's Roaming Profile NTUSER.DAT Registry Hive while in PowerShell. Loading and Exporting a NTUSER.DAT Registry Hive works in REGEDIT,…
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2 answers

Can we restore My Computer > Manage to prior functionality in Server 2012-R2

In the newer server versions when right clicking on My Computer / This PC, we are presented with the option to 'Manage', when clicked it opens the Server Manager, which can take up to 10-20 seconds in slower machines. In prior versions, this would…
4 answers

Hidden registry settings

Scenario: I'm performing a configuration audit on a server that's joined to the domain. For the mandatory security configuration settings, there are group policies defined and being pushed out to domain members, but not all of the settings. The…
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1 answer

Windows 2003 r2 reboots after a few seconds from initiated

I'm having troubles with a virtual machine on a ESXi running windows server 2003 r2. The problem is that every time it initiates and displays the login window, the machine reboots with no warnings, no alerts, no bsod either. It doesn't matter what I…
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4 answers

Deploy Registry Change

What is the best way to deploy a HKCU registry change for anyone who logs onto the machine. Someone mentioned to me Active Setup...but I am not sure.
3 answers

Can registry keys be changed through webserver URLs?

So I was browsing through my website access logs recently, and noticed several attempts to do things like this ?page=pics//?_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT]= Of course, I'm not completely stupid and this had…
Alex S
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1 answer

Redirected folders, server migrations and properly moving users to a new server

I'm currently having a hell of a time with what seems like it should be a fairly simple project. Basically, $employer has a bunch of remote sites with ancient hardware impersonating real servers, and they're replacing them with real servers. Or,…
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5 answers

How to disable Java across all browsers via registry?

With the known Java threat on the loose, I've pushed a GPO to disable Java within IE. However, I'd like to disable Java across all browsers. Java provides documentation on how to do this via their new control panel: How do I disable Java in my…
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