Questions tagged [websphere]

Questions about administering WebSphere Application Server, a commercial Java application serve.

IBM® WebSphere® Application Server offers a fast, flexible and secure Java application server runtime environment.

156 questions
1 answer

XA transaction timeouts with SQL Server, MSDTC, and WebSphere

I have a Java/WebSphere application that is doing XA transactions with a SQL Server 2008 instance. In some environments, everything works as expected. In two of our environments, transactions will intermittently fail. Some info about the…
Jason B
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websphere - dmgr and node agent priority

I frequently see that deployment execution on our development WAS server hangs, while the applications running on it keep on responding to user requests. This leads to deployments taking ages, with frequent reboots either of the applications being…
  • 101
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Change WebSphere's default Java SDK from IBM's JVM to Oracle's?

I've seen mentions that it's possible to change WebSphere 8.x so that it uses Oracle's JVM instead of IBM's included JVM. Does anyone know how to accomplish this? It does seem possible but I did not see a method mentioned anywhere that shows how to…
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WebSphere 8.5 Application Installation Directory

Where in the Admin Console can I find an application's installation directory? I have installed applications but I have no clue where they were installed to.
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IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 10.2.2 on WebSphere Application Server fails to start, possibly due to a missing classpath entry

I have a server running IBM AIX TL07 and I am trying to install Cognos Business Intelligence 10.2.2 on WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, using a server cluster to deploy and manage my application and using an IBM DB2…
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0 answers

IBM WebSphere Application Server ND 7.0 installer on a Debian Jessie AMD64 KVM host stuck on generateProfileKey

I am trying to install IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment version 7.0 on an AMD64 KVM VM running Debian Jessie. I cannot start the script regardless of whether I use Debian Iceweasel from APT or Mozilla Firefox manually…
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0 answers

Do I Have To Restart The Entire Cell After Adding A Signer Cert To The CellDefaultTrustStore

I need to add a new signer cert to a bunch of WebSphere 8.5 instances in the CellDefaultTrustStore. After adding the cert do I need to restart the entire cell or just the application servers that are making outbound calls? Also, if I do have to…
Tom Purl
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NFS Server | Hung threads

We have four lpars each running 1 java instance each. They do a lot of read/write operations to a shared NFS server. When the NFS server goes down abruptly, all the threads that were trying to read a image in each of these four servers get into a…
1 answer

Is there a text file in IBM websphere that holds the important information

I need some important information to get/pull in IBM Websphere like it's Version, Installation Directory and etc. I wonder is there a text file that holds all of these or maybe a script that I can call/execute and retrieve these information?
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SRVE0255E Webshere Admin Console

I can't open the administration console for Webshere. When I go to http://localhost:9043/ibm/console/ I get a SRVE0255E error. SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle /ApplicationName has not been defined Normally it would mean the app has not…
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WebSphere breaks connection while servlet continues to work

We have an application running on WebSphere. Requests are often running for a long time (tens of minutes). Our users report that Internet Explorer breaks connection and shows blank screen after some time of waiting. The application log says that…
  • 11
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Gather WebSphere Thread Pool Utilization Data In A Text File

I am running a WebSphere 8.x cluster and would like to be able to more closely monitor my JDBC connection pool utilization. All I basically want to do is run a script every couple of minutes that gathers a few jdbc connection pool metrics and writes…
Tom Purl
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0 answers

IBM WebSphere Application Server SSO sets REMOTE_USER incorrectly on Cognos BI 10.2.1

I am running IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Server 10.2.1 (no other extra software products) on WebSphere Application Server 7, both softwares on an AIX server. I am trying to configure LTPA SSO through basic HTTP authentication from WebSphere to…
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How do I switch from http to https and back again with an Apache reverse proxy and WebSphere Application Server

I'm running a Spring Web App in WebSphere Application Server (WAS). WAS is listening on port 36500 using https, Apache is listening on port 80 using http. The protocols in use are out of my control right now so I can't make Apache use https (which…
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WebSphere Application Server can not start in command line

I installed WebSphere Application server 8.5 trial version, when I try run the startServer.bat in the commmand line, it shows it need a profile,no default profile exist and a profile name was not specified.But when I run the WASService.exe in the…