Questions tagged [websphere]

Questions about administering WebSphere Application Server, a commercial Java application serve.

IBM® WebSphere® Application Server offers a fast, flexible and secure Java application server runtime environment.

156 questions
1 answer

How do I enable WebDAV write access in WebSphere Portal 8.0?

As an administrator in WebSphere Portal 8.0, I can access and modify theme-related files with a WebDAV client connected to http://servername:10040/wps/mycontenthandler/dav/fs-type1. I now want to give another user write access to the same files, but…
Scott Leis
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3 answers

Configure startup order of websphere application withing EAR

Is it possible to define startup order of the WebSphere enterprise application within EAR (some of descriptor/binding files, META-INF or anywhere else)? The procedure described in IBM InfoCenter requires using AdminConsole, but I would prefer to…
1 answer

changing IP address of websphere installation

i am not a websphere expert. we are migrating our websphere application to a different server (which has a different IP and hostname). we use WAS network deployment v 6.1. I came across some articles which describes the steps to change the hostname…
Kannan Lg
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1 answer

Unable to start Web Sphere 7.0.0 Server

I stopped Web Sphere 7.0.0 server using firststep.bat path (...\profiles\AppSrv01\firststeps).Now when I am trying to start I am getting follwing error ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file …
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Place for setting environment variables for WebSphere JVM process

I have a websphere application which runs under the user wsadmin. The application invokes the SQL bulk loader client ./sqlldr The sqlldr needs some environment variables predefined in order to work such…
Madhur Ahuja
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Difference between JMX and PMI

I'm not a websphere admin but I understand the basics of JMX and PMI. I'm wondering what's the difference between them.
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How to change IBM WebSphere Network deployment passwords?

How i can change the following for IBM WebSphere Network Deployment : 1- Deployment Manager Administrative console password 2- Application Server Password Note : OS is UNIX-AIX
Eng Al-Rawabdeh
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0 answers

How to limit a webapp to a certain number of CPU cores

I need to set a webapp to run on a certain number of cores/ or all of them, on the server(depending on configuration). The webapp will be running on any one of the following application server's. Apache Tomcat Weblogic webspere 7.0 or higher Jboss 4…
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3 answers

How to increase the size of HTTP Post Request in Websphere

The HTTP specification doesn't impose a specific size limit for posts. They will usually be limited by either the web server or the programming technology used to process the form submission. How i can increase this size for websphere?
Dungeon Hunter
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1 answer

Java Application can be published with Websphere but can't be exposed through IHS

I am trying to set up a Websphere/IHS configuration for testing a project in my development machine. I have Websphere 7 (developer version) and IHS 7 installed on a Windows 7 machine. I can reach my application on Websphere 7 entering the URL…
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2 answers

How to set up various websphere server inside a cluster

I want to install 2 individual websphere server (AppServer option in the installer) and later install the deployment manager and federate those server under it to make then a cluster. Any help is welcome. I already figured how to use wasservice[1]…
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0 answers

How to define mail from and host settings in Websphere 6.1 for Java application

Working with some older WAS 6.1 hosts (fix pack 25), and have a java app that sends mail from one host with a mail from field: [] In another environment, it's sending mail…
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1 answer

IBM Websphere Application Server 7 - Why aren't threads that are hung destroyed?

If our application somehow loses connection with the memcached server all the threads are reported as hung after 10 minues or so [28.04.11 16:50:15:831 CEST] 00000025 ThreadMonitor W WSVR0605W: Thread "WebContainer : 4" (00000029) has been active…
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1 answer

IIS 7 skip ISAPI for matched URI

I have an IIS 7 with an ISAPI filter installed which redirects requests to WebSphere application server. The problem is that there is a need to not to redirect some URI's (some folders with images on site) to WebSphere. I tried IIS rewrite but it…
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3 answers

What are some good books for learning IBM Websphere Application Server?

I am beginning to use IBM's WAS servers at work. I've been given some point and click instructions on how to get what I need done, but I really do not understand the underlying architecture of this program. What are some good books for learning…
Marc Chapman
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