Questions tagged [web-platform-installer]

25 questions
3 answers

How do I uninstall a Web Platform Installer (WPI) installation of PHP?

We've installed PHP on a Windows Server 2008 R2 box using Web Platform Installer (WPI) 3.0.x. However, I'd like to uninstall PHP (5.3 in particular, leaving 5.2 as-is). Unfortunately, an uninstall option doesn't exist in Programs and Features, and…
James Skemp
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2 answers

What is the difference, if any, between Web Deployment Tool 2.1 and Web Deployment Tool 2.1 for Hosting Servers?

Microsoft's Web Platform Installer lists "Web Deployment Tool 2.1" with a release date of 4/11/2011, and "Web Deployment Tool 2.1 for Hosting Servers" with a release date of 4/8/2011. As far as I can see (by clicking Add, then Install), the contents…
Nick Jones
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2 answers

All PHP sites stopped working on IIS7, internal server error 500

I installed multiple drupal 7 sites using the Web Platform Installer on Windows Server 2008. Until know they worked without any problems, but recently internal server error 500 started to show up (once every so many requests), now it happens for all…
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1 answer

Web Platform Installer 5.0 start error. 'version' start tag on line 118400

On a non-activated Windows 2012 VM template, I get the following error when trying to launch the Microsoft Web Platform Installer 5.0. The 'version' start tag on line 118400 position 8 does not match the end tag of 'entry'. Line 118437, position…
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Web Platform Installer wants to install MySql even though it's already there

I'm trying to use Web Platform Installer to install WordPress on my Server 2016 system. When I run it, the first thing it asks for under prerequisites is to install MySql, which it says is not installed. The problem is that I'm also running…
0 answers

Can't launch web platform installer

I need to install url-rewrite module (windows server 2008) - while extension starts setup it tries to launch web platform installer- get error: Unable download the product list from. Check your network connection and .... I have two installed…
1 answer

Microsoft Web Platform Installer -- Intended for production use?

Web PI seems to make it very easy to install popular open-source apps and keep it up-to-date, even if based on a non-MS software stack (like Wordpress). Given I'm only familiar with the Microsoft stack (IIS, ASP.NET, MSSQL etc.), and not PHP, is it…
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Why does Web Platform Installer not present .NET Framework 4.6.x for installation?

We have a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 web server and I need to deploy .NET Framework 4.6.x (probably 4.6.2). I cannot seem to find this version in Web Platform Installer 5.0. It does however offer .NET Framework 4.5.2, indicating correctly that it…
1 answer

What is included in MS WebPI's Recommended Server Configuration for Web Hosting Providers

Microsoft's Web Platform Installer includes an item titled: Recommended Server Configuration for Web Hosting Providers This sounds handy, but I'm not about to install it without knowing what sort of configuration changes it makes. Could someone…
2 answers

Microsoft Web Farm Framework failing due to lack of hard drive space

I have Microsoft Web Farm Framework setup in a production environment and it seems to work well (better than keeping the servers in sync manually) except that it is causing an excessive number of log files to be generated. I just removed 450 GB…
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1 answer

How can I install ASP.NET MVC 1 on a new Windows Server 2008 R2 server?

I have a new Windows Server 2008 R2 box that is successfully running several applications built for ASP.NET MVC 2. I now am trying to run an older application that was build for ASP.NET MVC 1. The Microsoft Web Platform Installer has no entry for…
1 answer

Web Platform Installer - Wants to instal SQL 2008 Express when I already have SQL 2008 Standard installed

I'm finding my use of the Web Platform Installer somewhat muted by it's insistence on trying to install SQL Express when I already have a full copy of SQL Server installed. Why is this happening? Is there any way to get WPI to recognise that I have…
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Installing PHP 7 on Microsoft IIS

I'm trying to install PHP 7 on IIS using Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 Microsoft recommends that one should install PHP with their Web Platform Installer. After doing this I have PHP installed, but I can't run any PHP commands because I get the error…
1 answer

Why does Web Platform installer try to repair itself every 40 mins?

I'm seeing Web Platform installer do a repair/reinstall on my win 2008 r2 server (Build: 7601: Service Pack 1). Web Platform installer has been initially installed on this machine via chef (the 'iis' and 'webpi' community cookbooks). Now Web PI…
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1 answer

Permissions error when using WebPi under Cygwin SSH

Trying to install web package in WebPI via Cygwin SSH (for automation) returns this error: There was an error reading IIS configuration schema from 'C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\config\schema\'. When launched from the desktop Cygwin it works…
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