Questions tagged [web-hosting]

The setting up and running of a server to serve web pages via the internet or LAN. Where you are not the administrator of the server the questions may be best asked on (for example if using shared hosting).

967 questions
3 answers

Setting up backup systems when hosting own SVN, Jira, etc

I like using hosted services. It's easy, they give you a SLA and you can generally trust they run at big enough scale to have serious back-up. But it's a bit more expensive and loses you some flexibility. Since I'm likely to have SVN, bug-tracking,…
Mr. Boy
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10 answers

How do you recover when your hosting provider loses everything?

You've probably seen the messages at the stackoverflow blog and on codinghorror: experienced 100% data loss at our hosting provider, CrystalTech. We're working to restore it from backups ASAP! Some of the stuff Jeff's doing…
Ward - Reinstate Monica
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1 answer

TLS1.3 not working on nginx 1.15.2 with OpenSSL 1.1.1-pre9

Despite having the latest nginx and OpenSSL does not yield TLS1.3 on my server ( for reference) even though it is enabled in my configuration files. Furthermore, my instance of nginx was compiled with OpenSSL 1.1.1-pre9 installed.…
Alex Baldwin
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2 answers

How to expose SQL 2008 database to the world through the Internet?

My web hosting provider allows me to setup an SQL Server 2008 database from their web pages and then provides with an address of the form "" that I can use to connect from anywhere. I can even use SS Management Studio! My question…
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2 answers

Other domains on shared server showing my webpages

I own a website ( which is hosted by the same company as other websites on a shared server. The problem is I am noticing that these other websites appear to be showing my webpages under their domain names. At first I thought…
1 answer

Synchronize server directory with local directory FileZilla?

I have uploaded a website online and had to make some hotfixes directly on the server directories, but now there is a discrepancy between my local directory and the server directory. I tried to navigate FileZilla settings to check if there is a way…
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9 answers

RubyOnRails Inexpensive Hosting Service

I am looking for a hosting service to host RoR (Ruby on Rails) applications. Please suggest hosting services where I can get an inexpensive plan. What are the best options out for hosting when you are going live with public release? Thanks.
Ramiz Uddin
1 answer

100 Mbit/s Colocation Connectivity

I have an offer for 100 Mbit/s network speed in as a co-location service. 100mbit includes download/upload all together? For example: Can I upload with 100Mbit/s while downloading 100Mbit/s at same time?
1 answer

Absolute/relative file paths affecting server load?

I was told by my hosting provider's technical people that I should be using relative file paths (/home/index.php) instead of absolute paths ( to "reduce server load". His words: [logs showing that my domain name is…
1 answer

Hosting multiple distinct folders for distinct domains

I have a VPS that I've installed a Apache Web Server on. What I want to do is forward my own website domains to that server and host those websites' files inside my Apache Web Server. As far as I understand a DNS server is required to manage which…
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4 answers

Alternative to heroku or google app engine for static files

I'm creating a simple site for my family and which is basically just static files (I don't want a CMS). I've tried using heroku and google app engine but heroku wind down the server which yields a 30s delay on some requests and google app engine…
2 answers

Is this a solid (and cheap) High Availability idea for my website and database if the zombi's attack?

I have an Idea for fail-over high availability for my website but i am not sure if this is good, bad or a disaster in itself. My main server hosts an website that uses a SQL server database on another server. Both servers are running…
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1 answer

Colour Coding Convention for Server Architecture Block Diagram

Do any colour coding conventions exist for system architecture block diagrams? If not, who/what would be considered the de-facto standard? Is block diagram the correct terminology in this context? Specific hardware/roles of interest are…
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1 answer

Open Source projects that need mirrors?

I have an idle web server with unlimited traffic running until January 9th, 2011. An answerer to this question had the idea of offering to host mirrors for Open Source projects. Does anybody know of Open Source projects that have such massive…
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1 answer

IIS 7 - Multiple IIS Sites pointed at same directory. How is this accomplished?

I need to point two IIS sites at the same folder on the server. I need to do this because I need different IP-restrictions for the domain name bound to IIS-Site-B vs. IIS-Site-A (which is completely open to the public). When I add the second site…
Brian Webster
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