Questions tagged [visual-studio-2010]

40 questions
1 answer

How do I make sure that, when publishing to iis 7.5, all old data and files for the site are removed?

I've set up a Visual Studio publish button for my application, including the "remove all files before publishing" setting. It looks like it's not succeeding in removing the files, though (possibly they're still locked, maybe IIS is still serving…
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Deploying with multiple users

We have a few big projects which we use Publishing with in VS2010 with IIS7. We are publishing with the "Web Deploy" options. Now when User1 publishes for the very first time all files will be uploaded, will this user make an alteration in a file…
Roger Far
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Change built-in webserver to use 'Index.aspx' as default page

When I run my application on localhost I get a directory listing and have to click on 'Index.aspx' to view the page. I have already set the Set As Start Page to 'Index.aspx', which means when I press 'F5', 'Index.aspx' is opened. This works fine,…
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2 answers

I cannot connect from .net 4.0 to sql server 2000

I'm running a winform application from visual studio 2010 .net 4.0 that needs to connect to sql server 2000. The problem is I constantly get: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The…
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SharePoint 2010 deployment problem after added a new server to existing farm

I have SharePoint 2010 farm with one server. I'm developing some features in a sharepoint farm solution (not sandbox because there are some user rights problem). All feature scopes are set to "Site". I can deploy the solution to SharePoint with no…
1 answer

internet problems after uninstalling VS Ultimate 2010RC

After I uninstalled VS 2010 RC, the browsers don't have access to internet but Skype works fine. Whats the problem here?
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Process out of memory (but RAM still available) - How to increase process memory cap?

Doing copy/paste in Visual Studio 2010 RTM on Windows 7, 3GB ram machine, I was unable to copy text because of an error: Task Manager shows that devenv.exe is using a little more than 500MB. However I still have almost 1GB of free RAM available. Is…
Janis Veinbergs
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how to uninstall iis on windows 7 enterprise

I have googled and looked into this site. Reviewed the following post here on SF Uninstall IIS on Windows 7 I have done all the research before posting this question so please do not down vote. But I still do not know how to uninstall iis completely…
2 answers

Can't connect to SQL Server instance through my app but I can with SqlCmd

I can't connect my VB app to an SQL Server 2005 instance because "server don't exist or access has been denied" (the Conection String is correct because the app works in other networks and also i wrote the server's ip instead his name). However I…
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1 answer

Block EXE in a machine

How can i block all executables in a machine unless i verify it. I have multiple clients and i want to do it as programatically (I am using Visual-Studio-2010). It can be done through registry using DisallowRun but if i change the name of exe to…
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