Questions tagged [unmount]

20 questions
3 answers

umount Device or resource busy; already tried: mount, lsof, fuser, exportfs, ps axf

As part of an automated VM creation system a block device is mounted to a temporary folder ( /tmp/whatever ) . Various scripts install and configure the VM prior to it's first run. Recently something changed, the temporary mount is busy and refuses…
Michael J. Evans
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1 answer

mount says already mounted; umount says not mounted

My Linux server (Centos 7.5) is in a strange state with USB drives. When I try to mount a partition on a USB drive to a newly created mount point I get the error mount: /dev/sdd1 is already mounted or /mnt/foo busy. /mnt/foo is a newly created…
Robert Newton
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Command find show "Value too large for defined data type"

When I run the "find" command in any folder, works perfect, but only in a particular folder I get this: root#find . find:.: Value too large for defined data type It is a shared folder from another server nfs. With umount and mount not change…
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Unmounting the root filesystem (/) for resizing without a rescue cd?

I am just trying to figure out if this is possible to do. I am trying to resize a number of filesystems, and to be safe (these are production boxes as well as QA) I wanted to do the resize offline. I have gotten into the server with single user mode…
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Unmount a rbind mount without affecting the original mount

There is another question discussing about umounting rbind mounts, but the solution has unwanted effect. Consider the following directory layout: . ├── A_dir │ └── mount_b ├── B_dir │ └── mount_c └── C_dir Now I bind C_dir to B_dir/mount_c and…
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Why would a bind mount unmount unexpectedly?

I have configured some bind mounts on all users's home directories to access a shared directory (or parts of it) that is somewhere else in the file system, so I have entries like these on my fstab file: /application/data/repository …
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0 answers

Windows directories keeps getting unmounted on two identical Red Hat servers

Was refered here by the kind people at stack overflow. We have a pretty severe problem at my research center. I have, together with IT, set up an infrastructure like this: Users use their laptops at their desks. They all have a home-folder at a…
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2 answers

Unable to unmount and Detaching AWS EBS drive

I am using Linux Instance that has an EBS volume attached to it (mounted to xvda1). which I believe it causing some troubles. usually to detach the volume I go to volume section of the AWS EC2 console select the volume and click Detach. but I am…
0 answers

dmcache - is removing cache device without suspending safe?

I'm using plain dmcache for SSD cache - unmount procedure goes this way: umount fs suspend cache device remove cache device close lvm close LUKS shutdown However sometimes dmsetup doesn't allow me to remove cache device throwing Device busy error,…
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1 answer

Unmounted directories still behave like mounted - NFS Server Ubuntu 14.04

I am working on two virtual machines, running Ubuntu 14.04. So, one VM is the server and the other the client. Here's what I've done till now: Server VM: sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server sudo nano /etc/exports I added: /home/mnt_dir…
1 answer

Spontaneously unmounting NFS exports and nicstat network activity

We have one server which exports two partitions which are massive (one is 61 TB, the other is 28 TB), and we have a lot of users reading and writing to these when mounted on another machine. We have separate users complaining about these mounts…
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How can it be that mounting and unmounting takes hours to complete?

I am running an Ubuntu server 10.10 machine with 24 hard disks (and two OS drives). I am using a script to mount all the drives to their desired mountpoints. This works pretty fast, as expected, until it suddenly hangs. Usually after mounting 15…
The Shurrican
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1 answer

Linux mountpoint can not be unmounted no matter what?

I have a mount point in Linux that does not show any open files in lsof or fuser. The mount point was exported in NFS, but is no longer exported, and there are no more files or directories in the mount point. We have checked to make sure no one is…
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Migrate over 1 million file with ~150 GB from 1 server to another

Tell me Guys, how would you transfer more than one million files, witch have a summarized size of about 150 GB from A servers (KVM) VM to another (let's call it B, XenCenter) servers other VM in maximum 2 days? Currently I'm trying to compress them…
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1 answer

Forcefully Unmounting Filesystem

Okay, here's the deal: I used FUSE to mount a webdav endpoint as a filesystem. At some point it broke. Now, for the life of me, I cannot unmount it. Any time I try and interact with it in any way, things just freeze. Listing (ls) the directory which…
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