Questions tagged [uniqueidentifier]

11 questions
6 answers

Is a hard drive's serial number globally unique?

On Linux I can use smartctl to get a hard drive's vendor, model, firmware revision and serial number: # smartctl -a /dev/sdb smartctl 5.40 2010-07-12 r3124 [x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-10 by Bruce Allen,…
Etienne Dechamps
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3 answers

What is the uSNCreated property in Active Directory? Is it unique?

I need a way to identify users that won't change if our e-mail or username naming conventions change; they have in the past. We use LDAP, but our international offices use Active Directory, so I'm a little green here. I've noticed from a dump that…
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1 answer

MAC and IP address text-identicon as avatar

I would like to create something like identicons but not with images but with a unique word for each IP-Addresses and MAC-Addresses. create an easy to remember alias for a mac address, that is unique and reverse lookupable, for example: IP…
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Clone CentOS 6.0 Unique identifiers

when cloning CentOS (minimal install + nginx, tomcat, postgres all not running) in a VMware virtual environment what unique identifiers are present on the cloned machine? The information I have found so far is that when cloning, the new MAC address…
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Can HAProxy generate a UUID based unique connection id?

I have an HAProxy load balancer that I would like to use to tag requests with a unique id (X-Unique-ID header) so that I can correlate events between logs in multiple systems. HAProxy has a feature for doing this with the unique-id-format directive.…
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How to set cookie to md5 of UNIQUE_ID in Apache?

I'm currently creating unique visit_id cookie in Apache with following code: RewriteCond "%{HTTP_COOKIE}" "(^|;)\s*visit_id\s*=([A-Za-z0-9@-]+)" [NC] RewriteRule ".?" - [,S=1] RewriteRule ".?" -…
Markus Laire
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Apache: X-Request-ID like in Heroku

I like X-Request-ID: The Heroku router generates a unique request ID for every incoming HTTP request that it receives. This unique ID is then passed to your application as an HTTP header called X-Request-ID. From…
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Is it possible to detect that a database connection is to a copy rather than to the original database?

I have an application that needs to know if it is connected to the original database that it was installed with or if the connection is to a copy of that database. Is there any known method to know if the database has been cloned and the application…
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Why don't identity providers have separate IDs and Names in Openstack?

I think most of the things have a separate ID and a separate Name in Openstack (Users, Projects, virtual machines, etc). Why don't identity providers have separate IDs and Names? Are there other objects like this? Is there a rule why specific…
2 answers

Need tool to change Hard Disk unique ID

There was a tool called PB Downforce that did something like this. It has been discontinued as it was buggy and stopped working for its purposes. So, is there any alternative? I have a licensed piece of software that is attached to the HD ID.…
Ravi Chhabra
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1 answer

Changing an MSSQL clustered index field from containing "random" GUIDs to sequential GUIDs - how will it affect indexes

We have an MSSQL database in which all the primary keys are GUIDs (uniqueidentifiers). The GUIDs are produced on the client (in C#), and we are considering changing the client to generate sequential (comb) GUIDs instead of just using Guid.NewGuid(),…
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