Questions tagged [undelete]

32 questions
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AWS S3 Bucket name already exists

I in S3 Buckets if ill create a new one or Bucket name already exists but I can I have two visible buckets. Edit: In other words, my bucket's been orphaned and I cant see it to delete it and I cannot recreate as per image:
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How to recover from a deleted /bin/bash?

On my debian maschine I deleted /bin/bash by accident. Is there a way to get it back without reinstalltin the machine? If it helps. I'm still logged in. Guess once I'm out I cannot log in since it's my login shell.
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photorec photo recovery software not seeing my mounted filesystem - trying to use photorec to recover lost jpegs

What is my situation? I am working in a Dev Ops capacity for a service that manages jpeg files online. We had an unfortunate deploy and our media files (jpegs) are completely gone. I anticipate that our loss is probably simple and may be…
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How does Linux's unlink on a NTFS filesystem differs from Window's own implementation?

I have an external USB disk with an NTFS filesystem on it. If I remove a file from Windows and I run one of the several "undelete" utilities (say, TestDisk) I can easily recover the file (because "it's still there but it's marked as deleted"). If I…
3 answers

Is it possible to recover a deleted named.conf if named still running?

If, for example, you spend some time working on a named.conf, and then by mistake clear it and save it (thanks to vi), is there a saved copy of the named.conf in the running instance that I could grab?
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How to undelete a moved file on Linux

I accidentally moved a file onto an existing file and need to recover the old file. original file: /mnt/FILE (was around 1 GB) new file: /mnt/FILE (now is 17 bytes) command: mv SOMEFILE /mnt/FILE First I have unmounted the filesystem the file…
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Authenticated Users builtin group in AD deleted

I have a large-ish AD setup, where one of the already fired admins, for reasons unknown deleted the subject group. Been googling for a while, but besides explanations what the group is for and warnings not to delete it I couldn't find anything. The…
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good, free undelete for windows?

I was using robocopy and accidentally included the /MIR command which deletes everything on the destination drive which isnt in the source - face palm is findNtfs my best option? Ive had luck with this one before. Cheers!
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Is it possible to relink an Inode in EXT4 with it's original filename

Ok, so foolish idiot here, trashes his postgresql data directory, right at the very moment when his backup routine is currently in the "delete old files" and "create new files" phase. As a result, Iv'e destroyed my backup AND simultaneously done an…
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1 answer

extundelete : How can i recover "recoverable inodes still lost"?

I am using extundelete to recover about 9000 files that were deleted from an AWS EBS volume, accidentally via programmatic error. The end of the report states 2864 recoverable inodes still lost. Can anyone explain what this means, and how I can…
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Recovering original filename after renaming in Ext4

If I rename a file with mv command like: mv original_file_name new_file_name Is this possible to recover the original filename on Linux Ext4 file system and if so how that can be done?
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Undelete windows 8 files/directories

User accidentally deleted directory with firm data on laptop with Windows 8. I booted Ubuntu liveCD but using : $sudo fdisk -l WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sda'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted. Disk…
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Is it possible to see what files are deleted on a cluster disk in a specific directory?

I need to check if there were files (accidentally deleted) in a specific directory on a clustered disk (Windows Server 2008 R2). Is there a way to do that? The installation is relatively new and the dir was not usually used for store.
1 answer

Lost Frm files recovering data from ibdata

I was working with a mysql innodb datbase. When I was working with mysqlworkbench accidentally all the .frm files got deleted from mysql data folder but I still have ibdata file in the data folder. I was not using innodb_file_per_table means all of…
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10 answers

How to make deleted files unrecoverable?

If I delete files on a NTFS partition I can recover them shortly with a very high probability of success. When a file is deleted, only the file system entry is deleted, thus the content of the file will still remain intact for a periode of time,…
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