Questions tagged [tuning]

53 questions
2 answers

Linux Disk tuning help

I have a Software RAID1 disk that is randomly experiencing very slow read times. hdparm -t /dev/md0 /dev/md0: Timing buffered disk reads: 2 MB in 12.43 seconds = 164.80 kB/sec It appears to be one disk in the RAID set that is consistently…
John P
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5 answers

How to best tune a Linux development machine?

How to best tune a Linux PC for development purposes?
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4 answers

Tune SQL Server Express using Profiler?

I have a SQL Server 2005 database... a copy of it is running in development on a full version of SQL server. Another copy is running in SQL Server 2005 Express on a web server. I've used SQL Profiler and saved a Tuning trace log from activity on the…
Glen Little
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1 answer

how do I tune for one-day-a-year traffic

I run a site as a service for the statewide high school swimming community. I do this for love of the sport, so I can't spend a ridiculous sum on hosting, etc. Nor do I need to - except for one day a year. The coaches all submit their regional…
Eddie Rowe
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1 answer

How to tune MySQL server when big peak of usage is expected

I'm having pretty big issues trying to tune my MySQL server. I was expecting a lot of people on my website after buying a tv ads between 5pm and 6pm, I have more or less 300 persons at the time on the website during this period. I tried a lot of…
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2 answers

Beyond 1Gb upload on a single linux server

I have a high hit nginx web server on CentOS that provides static large content. when the number concurrent connection are low, server could easily provide up to 4Gb of traffic , but when the number of concurrent connections increase, the server…
0 answers

IRQ not handled by all CPUs

I have a problem about balancing irq. I took irq numbers from /etc/interrupts and assigned each irq to each of 24 CPUs as this tutorial says for i in {143..166};do cat /proc/irq/${i}/smp_affinity; done 000001 …
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4 answers

FATAL: Error inserting acpi_cpufreq

Trying to see how to force CPU to run at higher freq on a HP ProLiant system with SLES 11 SP2. /# modprobe -vv acpi-cpufreq insmod /lib/modules/3.0.13-0.27-default/kernel/drivers/cpufreq/acpi-cpufreq.ko FATAL: Error inserting acpi_cpufreq…
Billy K
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1 answer

Tune web server based on stats by munin

At our company, we have set up a munin node to gather data about our web server every five minutes. These datas are presented in a graph, and we're wondering if there is anything to gain from tuning our web server based upon them. For example, this…
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2 answers

Best network tuning variables for a Linux proxy

What are the best settings to tune so that Linux can handle a very large amount of TCP connections such as would be seen by a proxy server or a webserver? I'm using Centos6 and squid and am seeing a large amount of TIME_WAIT connections backing up…
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1 answer

fine tuning of my.cnf for InnoDB tables fails with setting of: `innodb_log_file_size=256`

I read some fine tuning recommendations on the mysqlperfomanceblog and tryed to adapt them. I added to my.cnf: innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1000M innodb_log_file_size = 256M After doing this and restarting the server, I there is no…
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3 answers

Config MySQL to maximum speed and memory

I have a server, 8 cores, 12 GB RAM. This server is only used to run MySQL. So, help me config /etc/my.cnf to maximum speed, memory for MySQL.
3 answers

Solaris tcp_keepalive_abort_interval

There is a section in Solaris reference manual for tcp_keepalive_abort_interval. However, it doesn't appear in ndd /dev/tcp \? listing. # uname -srvmpi SunOS 5.10 Generic_142909-17 sun4us sparc FJSV,GPUZC-L # ndd /dev/tcp \? | grep…
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1 answer

Reducing max memory settings in SQL 2005

We have a 2003 cluster with 32GB of memory. It hosts two SQL 2005 DB instances, one Reporting instance and runs SSIS packages throughout the day. The main instance is set to 22GB of memory, the second is for SharePoint and has been set to 4GB and…
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1 answer

mongodb : Can create new thread on FreeBSD?

We experienced some strange thing in our mongodb gridfs platform. The platform actually is a bi Xeon E5 (bi quad core) with 128GB of memory, running on freebsd 9 with a zfs pool dedicated for mongodb. [root@mongofile1 ~]# uname -sr FreeBSD…