Questions tagged [tuning]

53 questions
2 answers

Why is G-Wan performance so low on Opteron?

I am testing G-Wan 4.3.14 on CentOS 6 with the 2.6.32 Linux kernel using an Opteron 6234 6 module / 12 core processor. Running a simple weighttp test I get: weighttp -k -n 1000000 -t 6 -c 1000 localhost:8080 finished in 7 sec, 250 millisec and 896…
2 answers

Tuning Apache memory usage

I've been working on on getting my webserver in check and I'm running into some issues. First of all, using top I've noticed that Apache is using a lot of memory, no surprise really, but 130-150M per process seems high even for apache. I'm running…
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Configuring apache to run in minimal memory

I have a micro instance of Ec2 with Django connected to apache via wsgi. Whenever I hit the server httpd hits top of the CPU and memory cycle and page consequently take some time to load. Can someone help me tweak apache so that it does not…
Quintin Par
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what's the best webserver configuration for this setup?

I have a webserver running on an IBM blade, hardware configuration is: Intel Xeon E5506 x 2 (8 cores) 12G mem SAS disk raid1 I use this box as a dedicated webserver serving a dozen of simple php scripts. They do mysql queries and return result…
Long Cheng
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2 answers

How do I calculate the amount of tuning needed for my server?

I have a server which is running a few discrete Python, Java application which most of the time imports data into a PostGreSQL database. I would like to know from people out there who have experience tuning enterprise grade servers how do i go about…
Low Kian Seong
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1 answer

Nginx causing high load with not many active connections

I have a linux machine 64bit (centos5.5), 2.83GHz Q9550, 6gb ram and a single SATA 500gb drive. From this machine I only serve thumbnails, most around 10kb in size and at this point there are about 7 million thumbnails on the server. I have them…
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1 answer

Setting MySQL table_cache variable

Greetings, I've set the table_cache variable in /etc/mysql/my.cnf on Ubuntu to 512, but the reported value is only 64. How can I fix this? Thanks
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1 answer

Linux script to check settings and recommend tuning changes?

I'm searching for a script to run on our linux server and recommend various tuning changes we might consider making, as well as their suggested values for consideration. Any ideas if something like this exists? The server runs a Wordpress site and…
Will Ashworth
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