Questions tagged [tty]

70 questions
1 answer

Chroot on Ubuntu 14.04.2 using Jailkit - /dev/pts No such file or directory

For the past few days I've been trying to setup a chroot on my Ubuntu server but I've been running into an issue. I've tried several different methods of setting up a chroot on Ubuntu including just manually setting up folder permissions myself and…
4 answers

Fedora, ssh and sudo

I have to run a script remotely on several Fedora machines through ssh. Since the script requires root priviliges, I do: $ ssh me@remost_host "sudo touch test_sudo" #just a simple example sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified The…
Ricky Robinson
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Recover a not responding ssh server

a machine with a postgres database (which is reponding fine) has a ssh service an nagios nrpe service. Responds to ping. Postgres is performing as expected. (apache connects from another host) Nagios check to port 5432(postgres is ok). ssh does…
Marc Riera
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script reading from new descriptor in read

I have a script that asks some questions to the user and repeats the question until the user has answered something appropiate. This is done with an infinite loop that is break'd when an acceptable answer is read: while true do read -p "Which…
Carlos Campderrós
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kvm -monitor pty : how to find out the associated /dev/pts/#num

I have a server running multiple kvms. These are two to three vms so I consider libvirt somewhat oversized for management. And I'm completely comfortable with that setup. I actually just need the kvm monitoring console to send a 'system_powerdown'…
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lxc-console only works once

I have a debian-squeeze host-system on which I have installed lxc. i created a (squeeze) container, and started it. then I'm trying to get inside the container with lxc-console. everything works fine so far. but the weird thing is, lxc-console only…
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0 answers

qemu/kvm: connect two machines via ttyS0

I would like to connect two machines via ttyS0 Here's what I did on the guest machines: A: Add to /etc/inittab: S0:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty ttyS0 Add to /etc/securetty: ttyS0 B: Try to connect to A cu -l /dev/ttyS0 Here's what I did on the…
Jens Meier
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1 answer

Tell NetworkManager to ignore or not probe rfcomm0

I'm trying to remotely connect to a system via Bluetooth but am running into problems. Here's what I'm trying to do... On the remote device I'd like to have the following running: rfcomm -r watch 0 3 getty -L {} 9600 What that does is: Watch on…
Tim Tisdall
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2 answers

Remote SSH command via Java program

First of all my Linux knowledge is limited! I'm more a developer, who casually manages some servers :-) So, I'm operating on a farm of RHEL5/6 (mixed) servers and here is what I want to do: I have a Java program on one master server, which runs…
Peter Ilfrich
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1 answer

How can I give tomcat sudo right

Possible Duplicate: No TTY present when running commands over SSH in here-document I installed tomcat7. It is nologin user tomcat7. That said, I need to give tomcat7 sudo rights to run other applications. I edit sudoer. But requiretty is set,…
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2 answers

sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo

I am trying to run this bash script as a cron job, but I am getting an error which says sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo. I am running this bash script in amazon EC2 linux instance. #!/bin/bash - #get instance id - used for putting…
Jeevan Dongre
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1 answer

Is there a way to pam_tty_audit on Linux OpenVZ containers?

Looks like pam_tty_audit in Linux ( could have been a great way to help figure out "what happened!" when one gets rooted. I say "could have been" because the rootkits do clean logs and kill…
Aleksandr Levchuk
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2 answers

USB To Serial under OpenSuse 11.3

I have a LogiLink USB-To-Serial adapter. This has the PL2303 chip inside. When I insert the device: [26064.927083] usb 7-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 9 [26065.076090] usb 7-1: New USB device found, idVendor=067b,…
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1 answer

git hook and ssh on server

I have a git repo on a server. I would like to run a update hook on this when a push is done. I am unable to get git revlist or take any information from the user because i can't enable tty. I have written the hook in python. I would like it so I…
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0 answers

Script command on alpine

I want to preserve colors of docker exec command. The only way I found is to use script command like so docker exec script -q -c "./spiral migrate:status" /dev/null The problem is that my containers are alpine and there is no…
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