Questions tagged [traffic]

298 questions
1 answer

SQL Server - measuring volumes of traffic and data

We have developed a solution based around SQL Server 2008 and Reporting Services. Now that we're deploying it and we're looking to put it in to customer SQL Server Clusters, they're of course asking a reasonable question: What sort of volumes of…
Matt Peddlesden
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2 answers

Discrepancy between router interface traffic and switch traffic?

I am trying to come up with an explanation for why there is a difference between the traffic reported by a router and the traffic reported by the switch connected to that router. I have a T1 (1.5mbps ppp) going to an AdTran 3305 router. The AdTran…
Scott Szretter
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1 answer

How, and when, do I add servers for my website?

I'm going to release a website in a week or so, and I'm gonna upload it first on a public server. My question is, if I get many users, how would I add more servers (probably dedicated) to the site? And also, when should I start thinking of adding…
John Doe
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1 answer

Monitoring and logging website traffic

I have website where i provide different services.When users log in i want to monitor all that they do and store them up in a log file of that particular user and send them an email weekly to the users of what they have done and what services they…
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2 answers

traffic shaping in linux: ssh vs sshfs

I have a regular linux box with limited banwidth which I acess through SSH. From time to time I transfer files to/from this box with sshfs/sftp. Please advise me on how can I set up the traffic shaping on this box so that the (interactive) ssh…
1 answer

Where to host a Flash application with high traffic (4TB)?

We are looking for a decent hosting provider for our Flash widget (several SWF files) The widget is quite popular. The download traffic is 4TB per month and it is growing. CPU/Memory just do not matter. Can you recommend a decent hosting for our…
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3 answers

How can I receive more traffic? My VPS fails!

I have a web site - photo gallery. About 400 photos. Site on Gallery 3. mySQL. Hosted on VPS from (CPU 1792 MHz, 2048 MB RAM). Everything seems to be ok, but there is one big problem. Once traffic reaches ~ 20 people (online) - website…
  • 1
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Estimate server load for an API

I want to know how many resources (MySQL time, CPU usage, bandwidth, etc.) will use my system with a certain number of API calls per second. One API call gets the parameters in PHP, do from 1 to 5 SQL queries and returns a XML file. How I can do…
  • 103
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2 answers

How do I move an Amazon micro instance to a small instance?

I want to move my instance to a micro instance to a small instance but when I try to launch a new AMI based on my Micro instance AMI it only gives me the option for 64 bit instances. My initial ami is based off an ubuntu 10.04 image. Is it not…
2 answers

Flexible traffic & bandwidth monitor

I have looked around, but have not found anything to meet our needs. I need something that can log all connections & bandwidth consumption. We need it for analysis: by protocol, source IP (& MAC if possible), destination, etc. Ideally we are looking…
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1 answer

network architecture: inbound/outbound traffic from local to internet and vice versa

ive been reading about network architecture a bit, found an interesting paper from Sun Microsystems that, even though uses their hardware/software, gives a good idea about the basics of data center architecture...…
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1 answer

Windows 2008 Server Standard receiving and sending a huge amount of data

I have this Windows 2008 Server I've just installed a couple of weeks ago and right now I'm starting to configure and prepare it to be PDC. I've clicked on the network and I've seen packets coming and going super fast O_O How can I read easily…
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2 answers

How to close certain TCP/UDP ports (incoming) for ALL networks except listed through IPTABLES

How to close certain TCP/UDP ports (incoming) for ALL networks except listed through IPTABLES. I have a small set of NETWORKS I'd like to leave THE ports to be open. But want to close for all other networks. Thank you!
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1 answer

Sporadic high traffic

Is there any software to handle sporadic high traffic web sites? My situation is the following: only two times a year my traffic spikes several orders of magnitude, i was wondering if some software existed (something like a queue) that can help me…
6 answers

How can i monitor internet traffic in my LAN?

I have a centOS box set up as a gateway with IPTables (among many things such as proxy cache using Squid). My LAN consists of ~30 machines, all connect to the internet through the gateway's eth0 (which is the only computer connected to the DSL modem…
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