Questions tagged [topology]

40 questions
3 answers

network topology including many services

I know this is yet another question on how to setup network but I hope you are not bored of such questions yet. The site is also an office, so it includes windows dc, windows ad, exchange, sql, file sharing, development app servers and other pcs. In…
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Ethernet: network topology

Consider a standard GigE network switch. In order to do the switching, presumably it needs to maintain a map of MAC addresses of all things that exist on the network to its (switch's) port numbers. How does it maintain such a map? What are the…
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Consumer board for 4* commodity cluster in tetrahedral back-to-back GB-lan topology

I'm not very sure what consumer board to choose for such a configuration. Im planning to build one or more "Beowulf-like cluster" (starting with one for testing), one such cluster consists of four boxes (commodity Socket-1156 + i7/875K + 2x2GB 1333)…
1 answer

MySql Replication with a star topology

My company currently operates in 3 separate locations connected by slow vpn links. Each site hosts a dedicated MySql server. I need to aggregate the data from all three of them onto a single server for corporate reporting. The powers that be have…
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Invalid SAS topology

I have a 44-bay Supermicro JBOD which is connected to a MegaRAID 9280-8e. Upon boot, all drives show activity and the device scan reaches 100%. Then however, an eror message states: Invalid SAS topology, please check your cabling, fix and…
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1 answer

CouchDB replication recommended topologies

I am working on a proposal for a system with seven CouchDB servers (A,B,C,D,E,F,G) in different countries. The idea is to configure multi-master replication so that all data can be kept in sync. I could configure bi-directional replication from each…
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Is there a way to setup alerts for a failed DFS topology connection?

I have a large DFS structure setup between multiple remote sites and multiple hub servers in a full mesh topology. Each remote site has its own namespace or namespaces and replication group. I have an automated PowerShell script that collects the…
Dave H.
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3 answers

Several border firewalls in the same network

I'm currently analyzing the consequences of multipath connections for the firewalls. In that context, I'm wondering if it's really uncommon to have several firewalls at the borders of a network to protect it. The typical case I'd imagine would be a…
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3 answers

MySQL in star topology

I have one central database with all the data in MySQL 5.1-lastest-stable. I want to hook up multiple clients in a master-master relationship. Question How do I setup a star topology with 1 central server in the middle with multiple client-databases…
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Setup MSSQL replication with peer to peer topology: problem setting up Conflict Detection

I'm setting up a SQL Replication strategy, using MSSQL2008 with peer-to-peer publications (2 servers, each one subscribes to the other). I followed this HOWTO from MSDN, and the setup seems to be working fine: add a record to one table on server A,…
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1 answer

Challenges w.r.t. proximity between application hosted outside Amazon and Amazon persistence services (SimpleDB & S3)

This is about hosting a web portal. Earlier my topology was entirely based on Amazon AWS but the price factor (especially for EC2) now makes me re-think. I'll now quickly come to what I have finally arrived at. I'll launch the portal that'll be…
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1 answer

NMap Topologie missing Switches (no kind of Topology)

I did scan some of our Networks but for any reason NMap doesnt applies any kind of topologie. It seems like there is everything connected directly but there are switches in between and those connections seem like not being…
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How to have a single domain name for multiple geographically limited 1 to 1 mapped client to database + webserver instances?

Say I have a client (a business, not a consumer) in US, for whom I set up a specific webserver + database instance in US. Only this db instance has this client's details. And suppose I have a client in the middle east, for whom I set up a specific…
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LAN cable operation to switch internet line on L2 SW cascade connection

We have 2 internet lines A and B, and 2 independent network segments on the lines. All PCs are connected to L2 switches (SWAA, SWAB, ..., SWBA, SWBB, ...), and the switches are connected to another L2 switches (SWA, SWB). SWA, SWB are connected to a…
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0 answers

What routing/topology protocol(s) should be used with P2P devices with sporadic, changing connectivity?

I have several IoT devices that will sporadically come into and out of range, and connect in a partial mesh topology. For illustration purposes, imagine the interconnectivity of a Web of Trust, or Social Graph ... each has similar properties. What…