Questions tagged [thin]

Thin is an EventMachine-based web server written in Ruby for running Rack-based web apps.

Thin is an EventMachine-based web server written in Ruby for running Rack-based web apps.

54 questions
1 answer

Easy way to launch several rails apps on the server

I have several rails applications on my server. Each application uses its own rvm gemset. I'm using Thin as web server for each application, this servers installs as a gem separately for each application. Each server runs on different port. Main…
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Why does this nginx/thin run puppet master interpret paths differently than a lone puppetmasterd?

For the purposes of this question I need to make a distinction between my Production puppet master and my Development puppet master. In either case, my /etc/puppet/puppet.conf is: [main] ssldir=$vardir/ssl [master] certname=puppet Development…
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1 answer

What do these Thin cache log entries mean?

I recently released a Rails 3.1 upgrade of my webapp. I power this app on an Unbuntu 10.04 VPS with Thin on the backend, Nginx on the front. To make my app work with the new Rails asset pipeline I added the following entry to my Nginx config file: …
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thin server with GoDaddy ssl - access from osx

I have a thin server that i run with a certificate from GoDaddy and a private key i created before. I also have a file "gd_bundle.crt" that's probably required for access from osx (or iphones). thin only accepts my certificate and private key but i…
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1 answer

nginx - reverse proxy, multiple thin instances, cache

I'm using nginx to serve a sinatra based project which has fairly static content.. I've tried to combine this: with the proxying solution offered elsewhere on this site: How…
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How do I configure Nginx proxy to pass to multiple Sinatra ports?

I have a Sinatra app. I start two Thin servers listening on: 4567 and 4568. However, I have configured Nginx to only forward to 4567. server { listen 443; listen [::]:443; root /var/www/example/public; index…
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1 answer

Systemd service for Sinatra + Thin keeps restarting

I have systemd service for a Sinatra app running with Thin server behind an Nginx reverse proxy. It works fine but because it receives a lot of traffic i'm seeing a lot of nginx errors about being unable to connect to upstream. Upon inspecting the…
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1 answer

After few days of server running fine with nginx it start throwing 499 and 502

Nginx start throwing 499 and 502 after running fine for few days, website is a rails app using thin as the webserver. Restarting the Nginx doent not seem to help. Below the the Nginx config Nginx config under sites-enabled upstream domain1 { …
2 answers

How to restart RoR services after server has been rebooted

Update I have been searching around to see what services would possibly need to be restarted in my project after reboot. One of them was thinking sphinx, which I finally got to the point where it logs: [Fri Nov 16 19:34:29.820 2012] [29623]…
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