Questions tagged [stress-testing]

Stress testing is a form of testing that is used to determine the stability of a given system or entity under load. It involves testing beyond normal operational capacity, often to a breaking point, in order to observe the results.

Stress testing is for ensuring the tolerance of the application at certain loads (usually extremely high loads). It refers to tests that put a greater emphasis on robustness, capability and error handling under a heavy load, rather than on what would be considered correct behavior under normal circumstances.

Sometimes, as the load on the system increases the system throws errors or behaves unexpectedly. The stress test targets exactly this behavior. Determining that the software handles the load gracefully without crashing is the aim of this test. In particular, the goals of such testing may be to ensure the software does not crash in conditions of insufficient computational resources (such as memory or disk space), unusually high concurrency, or denial of service attacks.

106 questions
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Siege - running a stress test benchmark

I need to do a benchmark test of a HTTPS server using Siege, to see how it behaves under massive load. I'm initiating tests from another machine which is quite powerful and it is connected to the same physical switch the server is connected on. But…
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how to benchmark an ubuntu webserver using Jmeter and create a test report.?

I have an ubuntu webserver(LAMP) running a clients website.I have already created a test plan with jmeter, what i would like to know is how would we benchmark the server with Jmter and create a test report. Like the maximum number of concurrent…
3 answers

Is it possible to use curl to accurately stress test a site that has lots of javascript?

I have a web site that has lots of javascript but simple html. I want to try simple stress tests with curl. Is that possible? If I just curl the site I get HTML. So making tons of curl requests won't really tell me how it performs at certain rates…
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How long/how hard should I stress test CPU and memory before declaring it OK?

One of our Dell PowerEdge LCDs was showing "CPU 2 machine check error", but I couldn't find anything in the logs regarding MCE or "Hardware Error." I cleared the message, but I wanted to run the machine through some heavy stuff to see if I could…
0 answers

top output seems fine, yet server is overloaded

This server I am benchmarking gives no obvious signs of getting overloaded at a first glance. top output: top - 22:48:25 up 5 days, 3:41, 3 users, load average: 3.19, 3.34, 3.25 Tasks: 146 total, 1 running, 145 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0…
2 answers

How can I perform IIS stress test 40,000 http requests per second?

I'm the co-founder of a startup which is in the beginning and growing rapidly. I want to test an stress scenario on my IIS server to help figure out the resource needed from our cloud service, like 40,000 http request per second any suggestions?
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Stress test uploading speed of the server

I need to test a server max uploading speed, before production. What options do i have? Any services, tips, tricks are welcomed. Thanks.
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What Testing for Secondhand Servers?

I've recently bought a used rackmount 2950 server on Ebay to use for a specific project. I'm going to be spending a lot of time on this server, so I want to try and identify any major problems before I have everything installed and running. That…
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Emulating a real "living" Datacenter

I am working on enhancing a BI platform, plugged into a bunch of stats gathered from a virtual datacentre (based on Jasper, but this shouldn't really make a difference). So far, I have 4 hypervisors and a few TB of storage, so I can bring up…
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3 answers

Stress-testing Apache Tomcat

How can I stress test apache tomcat app? I tried using jmeter but will get error from jmeter after a certain number: Connection timed out: connect at Method) at…
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1 answer

Strange Jmeter connection refuse on Tomcat

I tried difference setting in Jmeter and Tomcat. If the Threads number in JMeter is 1~200, Then tomcat is okay. If It is 300, Then after serving few requests, tomcat starts to output errors. Here is the error show in…
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load testing based on access log recording

Possible Duplicate: Tools for load-testing HTTP servers? I need to load test a saas system to find capacity+bottlenecks. My preferred method is to record a few 100,000s or millions of real acess log urls and run it as test with increasing hit…
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FTP server performance

I have build an FTP server which needs to be able to handle 2000Connexion/minute. Each client connect and upload some file to the server I'm using pure-ftpd. Anyone knows what kind of server (I'm thinking in a VM on ESXi4.1) do i need and if it's…
Danny Jones
1 answer

slow server on ssh output of top

top - 21:15:43 up 2:28, 1 user, load average: 0.54, 0.50, 0.52 Tasks: 225 total, 1 running, 223 sleeping, 0 stopped, 1 zombie Cpu(s): 0.4%us, 2.9%sy, 0.0%ni, 96.5%id, 0.2%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st Mem: 8181868k total, 4332744k…
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Network Download Test?

I currently have 2 links of 20 Mbps on my hand and wanted to test them internationally and nationally. I already have the 2 national links for test but am having problems finding some good international link with 100/1000 Mbps link that will allow…
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