Questions tagged [storcli]

24 questions
1 answer

How do I extend a RAID5 array with storcli?

I just bought a new disk. How do I extend an existing RAID array without losing data?
Aaron Digulla
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2 answers

Do I need to initialize a MegaRAID virtual disk after adding it?

I have an AVAGO 3108 MegaRAID controller. I added a virtual disk with the storcli64 command below. Do I also need to run storcli /c0/v0 start initialization? storcli64 /c0 add vd type=r6 drives=0:0-10
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All disks show as Unconfigured Bad (UBAD) on RAID controller

Before starting, I will say I would appreciate help but really I need to hear from someone that has experienced this issue and how they solved it because the obvious and go to solutions are not working (believe me I have tried for a week). With that…
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Pause/stop/undo RAID6 migration (disk addition) in storcli

I'm working with a Supermicro SMC2208 raid controller. To increase the capacity of a large RAID array, I decided to add two additional disks using storcli. storcli /c0/v0 start migrate type=raid6 option=add drives=2:12,2:14 The problem is, I did not…
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How do I remove a failing disk from a LSI MegaRAID disk group?

One of the disks in group 0 (EID:Slot 252:4, DiskID 12) is starting to fail it's smart tests: 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x002f 200 200 051 Pre-fail Always - 1837 200 Multi_Zone_Error_Rate 0x0008 200 200 000 Old_age…
Aaron Digulla
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3 answers

ESXi 6.7 monitor hardware storage not showing usual results

Yesterday 2 of our ESXi hosts were updated from 6.5 to 6.7 (build 8169922), though after doing this we noticed a few quirks when trying to access the storage hardware monitoring. In the web UI typically we'd only see elements listed for the…
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StorCLI: storcli show and "Hlth: Opt": how exhaustive is this?

I'm working on a script using StorCLI (Ver 1.21.06). When I run: ./storcli show I get (abbreviated): Status Code = 0 Status = Success As well as: Hlth: Opt Q1. I'm curious to know what the Status/Status code actually means: does this have…
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Changing SATA/SAS and SSD/HDD mix capabilities on a raid controller

We are currently facing the challenge of replacing disks in a raid 1 configuration of a standalone server. The server is quiet old and uses 10k SAS HDD drives together with a Fujitsu D2616 (based on LSI SAS2108). One of the two drives failed.…
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Does calling storcli on a hard disk drive induce read/write latency?

I am calling storcli /c0/eall/sall show all on some 4TB Western Digital hard disk drives to get their SMART code status. When I do this it causes significant write latency to the disks, is that normal? Is there a way to get the SMART status of…
Jeff Kubina
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3 answers

How to add a hotspare with storcli to a LSI MegaRAID controller?

I have a LSI MegaRAID controller. I pulled out a failed drive and replaced it with a good one. I didn't run any special storcli commands before this, I just swapped the drives. Unsure if that was a mistake. It shows up as UGood: 32:8 26 UGood …
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Is it possible to show empty slots using StorCli?

I have been searching for a while but I couldn't find any way to show "empty/available/free" drive-slots connected to a LSI card using storcli. I don't even know if the hardware supports it. I appreciate any help. Thank you guys!
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How to replace Raid1 hard drives with large ones using Storcli tool

I have raid1 with 2 physical drives (SATA 3.637 TB). I want to extend it's size with large ones without losing data. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DG Arr Row EID:Slot DID Type State BT Size PDC …
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How to make M1015 ServerRaid card happy so it doesn't halt system boot?

Long story short, I have a brand new "IBM Serveraid M1015 SAS/SATA Controller", I plug it in to allow even more hard drives plugged into this machine and I get: All the disks from your previous configuration are gone. If this isan unexpected…
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How to ensure SAS-3 wide port configuration is enabled?

I have: A commodity Linux server, in this I have installed: 1x HBA storage adapter Broadcom (LSI) 9500-8e having 2x mini-SAS-HD connector, connected to: 1x Storage enclosure with dual input mini-SAS-HD connector, SAS-3 capable, using: 2x…
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How do I expand my VD on LSI 9361-16i?

I've got a 9361-16I installed in a supermicro sc847. I have the 2 expanders running in a cascaded configuration with both of them chaining off port 0-4 of the card. They are being exposed as enclosure 30 and 31. Array Info I have 24 Shucked…