Questions tagged [static-ip]

A static IP address is assigned to a device on a permanent basis. The IP address is not expected to change frequently or at all. This addressing method is commonly used for servers and other devices for which the address must be well-known.

A static IP address is assigned to a device on a permanent basis. The IP address is not expected to change frequently or at all. This addressing method is commonly used for servers and other devices for which the address must be well-known.

313 questions
2 answers

Is there any harm to setting the same static ip for eth0 and eth1?

I'm configuring a Fedora server to use a static ip (although this question should apply to any Linux server). Unfortunately, I don't have much control over which of the two ethernet ports gets used. I was wondering if there was any harm in…
Eugene M
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1 answer

Assigning a static IP on HP-UX

I can't find how to set a static IP on the local network ( on HP-UX using the command line. I want the address to be kept after the server reboots, so it seems the use of ifconfig will lose the IP configured.
Serty Oan
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5 answers

How necessary is a static IP when running a webserver from home

I'm considering hosting at home not through a third party. Some of the content will be software that need to run reliably 24/7. Currently I buy the domain then redirect it to the IP of my webhost, so I'm guessing that IP has to be static. But when…
2 answers

Two routers, one off-site, same ISP-assigned static IP. A recipe for conflict?

This is the situation I've inherited: There are two routers, one off-site. Both are connected to the ISP. The ISP assigns both of them the same static IP (or so it seems). Presumably, the network problems we're having are related to the idea that…
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3 answers

Swap static public IPs without creating DNS conflicts?

Our ISP is Comcast and we have 5 static public IPs from them that we use for various services, including customers connecting to our network, VPN, web, DNS, etc... We need more IP addresses from Comcast. Unfortunately, Comcast is telling us that…
Jake Wilson
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3 answers

Static IP settings on Windows 2003 server not getting saved

We have a Dell PowerEgde 1950 server with Broadcom NetXtreme gigabit ethernet card, and we are facing a strange problem with static IP assignment. When we assign a static IP to this broadcom NIC, settings are not getting saved. Following are the…
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1 answer

how to set static IP address in opensolaris

in solaris i knew how to do this. Edit /etc/inet/ipnodes, change /etc/defaultrouter, reboot in opensolaris there is not defaultrouter file. first thing I tried was System->admin->network switch to manual enter static address and netmask and…
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1 answer

Issues with static IP (Ubuntu Server 10.04)

I am following this tutorial for setting up a testing server for my web development projects. When I attempt setting up a static IP address (using the configuration below), I receive the error "ping: unknown host" when I attempt using…
Mike Moore
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2 answers

How do I setup a public static IP in Ubuntu 9.10

I have an Ubuntu 9.10 server and I need to setup a static public IP. Our office already had a network setup by Cisco, so the router is configured to forward the requests to the server. Here is the information from the ISP: Static…
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1 answer

How to configure NetBSD to accept vlan tagged packets

I am trying to set up a NetBSD install with a static ip that is on a vlan. The router is set up to only allow other vlans to access this vlan, but not the other way around. So the NetBSD install should be able to ping the outside world and respond…
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0 answers

Need to use 3rd party router, Static IPs wont transfer

I am on a business connection with Spectrum, I have 5 static IPs assigned but they only seem to work when I plug in their own very low end router. The problem is, their router is too low end to handle our traffic level and overheats/crashes…
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0 answers

Establish KVM bridge with static IP

I would like to establish a virtual machine (KVM) on Ubuntu Server and configure bridge networking in order to connect to the VM via static IP. I want to connect to the VM directly via SSH (bypassing the host). However I have only remote access to…
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2 answers

Errors when switching to specific static IP

I had a Fedora box running using my static IP, etc, all configured according to what the ISP required. Just recently the hard drive failed (and I should have been keeping better backups) - while it is being recovered I would like to…
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1 answer

Tunneling a Public IP using OpenVPN

I'm having a bit of difficulty tunneling a Public IP to a remote VPS using OpenVPN. I have a Linux server with a block of 32 Public IP Addresses, named Server 1, along with one other Public IP Address that is bound to eth0 on that…
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1 answer

Setting static ip causes network delays

I am running into a problem after setting static IP on my linux systems (Ubuntu and Raspbian). If i set static ip, i experience 5-10 second initial hangs when interacting with it by SSH or http after being left inactive for a few seconds This does…
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