Questions tagged [ssrs-2012]

16 questions
1 answer

How to install SSL Certificate on Windows Server 2012 R2 without IIS

I have a Windows Server 2012 R2 server running SQL Server 2012 with Reporting Services. I want to be able to use the Reporting Services Report Manager over HTTPS instead of the default HTTP. How can I install an SSL Certificate and apply it to SSRS?…
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SSRS 2012 without SSL

We are writing a deployment package to install SSRS 2012 on client servers. Some of them may have a certificate installed, but in all cases we do not want the installation to force the SSL (https) connection; we always want the non-SSL address to…
Mark Dynna
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What is the difference between the Verbose and Normal setting for ExecutionLogLevel in SSRS 2012?

I cannot find any real documentation on the ExecutionLogLevel setting in SSRS 2012 (which is expected to be the same as it was in SSRS 2008). What changes when you set the setting to "Verbose"? Do you get more data in the same amount of rows? Do you…
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How can ReportManager use a different port externally than from behind the firewall?

I'm on SSRS 2012 in Native mode. The configuration doesn't seem to have changed much from SSRS 2008, which I upgraded from, so the issue applies to both versions (however, if there's a solution, it may or may not apply to both). I am in a situation…
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Cannot log in to SSRS 2012 using any account

I have installed SQL Sever 2012 along with Reporting Services. I have configured Reporting Services using the Reporting Services Configuration Manager. It seems like the service is running properly, however I am unable to log in to it using any…
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SSRS-error about report server database version after hotfixing SQL. The found version is '164'. The expected version is '163'

After applying hotfix KB3194725 to our SQL server, the SSRS server throws the following exception when trying to generate a report: Exception type: InvalidReportServerDatabaseException Exception message: The version of the report server…
Henrik H
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service account doesn't have rights to check domain user SIDs [ssrs]

Subscriptions that include reports, as oppose to just a link, are currently failing with "The report server has encountered a configuration error. Mail will not be resent." Reviewing the logs reveals the actual issue, "service account doesn't have…
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What is the maximum MS Reporting Services Instances allowed?

Let me explain my problem: I'm using an Amazon EC2 instance as a DB and Report Server, currently the server has 11 Reporting Services instances installed and around 40 databases (22 from Reporting instances). We started having performance issues and…
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How do I use a wildcard certificate with SSRS?

I am trying to setup SSRS access via SSL, and I have followed the instructions here; however, I do not receive a clickable url in the Configuration Manager to click on and test. The url shows as https://+:9443/ReportServer. Based upon this…
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SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services need to repair

I had SQL 2012 installed with SSRS. Then I was playing with IIS and deleted (I think) ReportServer aliases and webs Now I need to work with SSRS but can't figure out how to return it back. Service is running, but I have no websites. I tried to start…
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SSRS Report Builder Error: Target Principal name is incorrect

Here is our problem, when using SSRS Report Builder we are able to successfully connect to our data source with no errors, but when we try to connect to a data set we get the following error. Everything was working normally, this issue just started…
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Unable to login to stand alone SSRS 2012 from domain joined computers

We have a non-domain joined SQL 2012 server running in Azure supporting several web sites, earlier this week an issue popped up where domain joined computers could not log in. There were no updates or changes applied to the server, no login errors,…
Matt Bear
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SSRS 2012 ODBC Driver architecture mismatch on remote computer, works locally

I have an SSRS 2012 server (Windows 2012) with Ingres ODBC drivers installed, ODBC entries have been configured in the 32 bit (SysWOW64) ODBC manager. Reports ran locally on the server run without a problem and are speedy. When I run the reports…
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Publish-AXReport Gives Error "Name cannot begin with the ' ' character"

Running the below PowerShell script (i.e. to deploy all SSRS reports for AX) gives an error: $axdllname = "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Management.dll" $gacfolder = join-path $env:windir "assembly\GAC_MSIL" $axdll = Get-ChildItem $gacfolder…
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SSRS 2012 SharePoint-Integrated mode

We have a 2-server (web and app server plus a database server) SharePoint 2013 farm. We would like to add SharePoint-integrated mode SSRS 2012 to it. We were thinking of installing SSRS SharePoint mode on a different SQL box (existing database…
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