Questions tagged [springframework]

45 questions
1 answer

Can't access to a port (which is running Spring boot jar) via it's public ip

I have deployed my spring boot app jar to centos server with this command: nohup java -jar black-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar > log_black.out & In my I set the server port like this: server.port=8181 Here is my IP table: Chain…
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Signed ssl certificate not working on EBS AWS for Java Spring webapp

I am looking for help getting HTTPS working on my AWS EBS wepapp. I have loaded the cert into AWS however I still cannot connect to my site via HTTPS. My application uses Spring 4.1 and Spring security 3.2. All the non HTTPS content on my app…
0 answers

Openshift : SocketException (Permission denied) using Spring and embedded Ldap server

I'm facing the following error when I try to deploy my app which initializes an embedded Ldap server using Spring and ApacheDS on port 33389: 2014-10-20 12:55:22,933 ERROR ( - Context initialization…
1 answer

Java Spring application working on one system, dying on almost identical one

Introduction I'm running a third party Java Spring application on RHEL, that refuses to run on machines cloned from a certain RHEL 6.5 template. It just dies on startup with a bogus exception (see below). The versions of the software in…
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Pros & Cons of Session Replication

Do I really need Session Replication? I am working on a number of web projects for a firm. Most of the projects are about one or two pages of input and then doing a save to a mysql database. Very Basic projects. My SA's are pushing to try to get…
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Issue with resetting auto increment from default to big number

I have a MySQL table naming Invoice for a Inventory Monitoring site, invoice_number is bigint(19) AUTO_INCREMENT field. Currently AUTO_INCREMENT value is 1. Client want it to start the invoice_number from 50000. With the following script reset the…
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Tomcat behind Apache httpd - ignoring RewriteRule?

I have a fairly common setup of a tomcat app server behind apache httpd using mod_proxy. My virtualhost looks like this: ServerName RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/test/(.*)$ /$1 …
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Creating a configuration based virtual directory in WEB-INF

Within a web application I want to create a "virtual directory" that lives under the WEB-INF directory. In effect what I am trying to accomplish is the same effect as creating a soft link in the filesystem if the application were run exploded. I am…
M. Jessup
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2 answers

nginx proxy_pass return 502 Bad Gateway

I'm building nginx for reverse_proxy with Spring and Docker Here is my configuration. nginx.conf user proxy; worker_processes auto; error_log logs/error.log; error_log logs/error.log notice; error_log logs/error.log info; pid …
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Moving from WebSphere to Oracle WebLogic, getting a ClassNotFoundException

I was given an "EAR" file and told to try to deploy it on an Oracle WebLogic server. I had successfully deployed it on a IBM WebSphere server. When I attempt to start it on WebLogic, however, I get the following error: Could not load user defined…
Paul Tomblin
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How to stop Spring Boot project running on Tomcat server to re-depeloy it-self each time I change static resources?

I have Maven Spring Boot Project that I configured to run on Tomcat 8.5 server. I run and develop it in Eclipse Java EE IDE. pom.xml is:
1 answer

Tomcat serving pages from temp directory instead of webapps directory

I have an Apache Tomcat (Spring) application deployed inside a Docker container. Host is Centos 7, container is Debian 9. In the past, I have run this application without any problems outside of Docker. I deploy the application how I always have, by…
Right Of Zen
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Spring boot client and cloud config server HTTP authentication

I'm configuring a spring boot 1.5.4 client with spring cloud config server 1.3.1. The client and the server works without any authentication. However, I'm trying to configure HTTP Basic authentication which is not working. It continues to be…
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1 answer

nginx reverse proxy + docker spring war application

I have a nginx reverse proxy set up with this configuration: location /auth { proxy_pass; } location /blog { proxy_pass; } The blog docker container is an angular website running on a…
louis amoros
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Session issue on Load balancing URL Apache Web Server + Tomcat 7.0.54

I'm facing the session issue on the load balancing URL, the session is not getting created but it works fine when I use the Tomcat URL directly. Controller: @RequestMapping(value = "/authenticateUser", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes =…