Questions tagged [socks]

SOCKS is an Internet protocol that allows both TCP and UDP communications via a proxy server.


SOCKS is a de facto standard for circuit-level gateways.

Another use of SOCKS is as a circumvention tool, allowing traffic to bypass Internet filtering to access content otherwise blocked, e.g., by governments, workplaces, schools, and country-specific web services.

Some SSH suites, such as OpenSSH, support dynamic port forwarding that allows the user to create a local SOCKS proxy. This can free the user from the limitations of connecting only to a predefined remote port and server.

The Tor onion proxy software presents a SOCKS interface to its clients.

196 questions
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Internet access through SSH SOCKS5 proxy and CNTLM on the target

I have a Windows machine with remote access to a Debian machine for development. Both are behind a corporate proxy. On the Debian side cntlm is configured with authentication and used automatically via the http_proxy env vars. Further, the Debian…
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How to make a VPS with multiple IPs to proxy with more than 1 IP?

I have a Ubuntu VPS with four different public IP addresses. I want to use this VPS as a socks5 proxy in firefox browser, curl and other software with the possibility to use all public IPs of that machine using a socks5 proxy like Dante or any…
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Router Port Forwarded Socks5 Server Doesn't Work

So, I have a remote ubuntu server running, and I decided to setup a Socks5 server on it for fun. I used the following command to port forward it ssh -D 1080 ubuntu@, and that works just fine, but after using that for a while, I got tired…
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VPN through Tor. Are there any errors in my settings and can anonymity be improved?

I need to route traffic from multiple mobile apps and all sites through tor. Some apps and websites block tor traffic. For this reason, I decided to use tor and vpn together (vpn through tor). I know this may carry additional problems for anonymity,…
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How to enable socks5 and http on squid at the same time?

I'd like to enable both socks5 (I have checked and this is possible) and http at the same time for my squid proxy. So far the only way I've found to do this is to run 2 squid instances via docker but if there's a less resource intensive way I'd…
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Can we limit the traffic used by user in dante server?

Can we limit the traffic used by user in dante server? I have a dante socks5 server I want to limit the traffic used by a user to 2GB only If I can do this with dante please help else if I can't any other open source socks5 server or soloution?
0 answers

Using a VPN inside a VM over SOCKS

At work my PC is ubuntu based, and we are migrating to a VPN that only comes with a client for windows based machines. It seems almost impossible to hack the client to work on Linux (or it will require some real tedious work, let's assume it is…
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Accessing Dell server iDRAC console (jnlp) through multiple proxies on Linux

I have a server where SSH by root is disabled and SSHing in with LDAP credentials just hangs after receiving the MOTD. Specifically the step it hangs on: debug1: pledge: proc I'm trying to access the iDRAC console now but this server is behind two…
1 answer

How to forward HTTP requests through SOCKS5 proxy?

At this moment I am using a SSH tunnel (which provides a socks5 proxy on the client host) to connect to a remote server and its network. I need to access different WebUI services, so I'm using a Firefox profile to set up the proxy settings to go…
David Lor
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build Socks5 Poxy for my team

I have been tasked to setup/build a socks5 proxy for my team. I have been googling but have not the answer I am looking for. Requirement - We have a certain application which needs to fetch plugins/hooks from the internet. I have successful setup…
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1 answer

How to connect to socks tunner through openvpn server?

I have some socks5 proxy and I am able to create tunnel using Also I have openvpn server on the same machine. The question is how to implement client -> openvpn -> tun2socks (socks5) connection? How…
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Send SOCKS proxy credentials over SSL/TLS

OpenVPN client config file has a socks-proxy rule which allows connecting to a SOCKS proxy before connecting to a VPN. I installed Dante SOCKS proxy but it looks like it does not support SSL/TLS so credentials will be sent in clear text and someone…
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How to understand `the socks can fool the internal http proxy server`?

A server's firewall only allows some ports (such as http port 80) to communicate, then you can use the socks5 protocol to connect to a socks5 server that opens 80 ports to connect to other servers on the public network. With some additional…
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Proxy a remote web host to appear as localhost (via ssh tunnel)

I'm developing a web app that needs to embed pages from a legacy web app in an iframe, which needs to be recognised as the same origin to allow the page to mess with the iframe contents via javascript. Since I'm developing on localhost. I therefore…
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Why we need Socks Proxy?

Is there any specific reason for customers to choose SOCKS proxy when compared to HTTP Proxy?
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