Questions tagged [soap]

61 questions
1 answer

Undefined symbol "php_libxml_disable_entity_loader"

I have php5.4 installed.It runs on freebsd server I also use extension. But when I start php script (new SoapClient) it stopped. Apache logs: tail -f /var/log/httpd-errors.log : /libexec/ /usr/local/lib/php/20100525/…
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php-soap 5.3.17-2 el6 x86_64

I just transferred a website to a server where I appear to lack the PHP-SOAP extension. Unfortunately I cannot upgrade to the 5.4.10 that is available on remi at the moment as I am not 100% sure if the existing codes would still work and not cause…
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How to manage SOAP requests to a pool of VM each listening on a HTTP port with a priority value in these requests?

I have a front SOAP web-server under Linux. It will have to communicate with Windows Servers VM listening each on a HTTP port, for a HTTP POST request. The chosen VM should return a report of a task to the SOAP client. In the SOAP requests, there's…
Gilles Quenot
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2 answers

MSSoap 3.0 Error while creating Virtual Directory with SOAPVDIR.CMD

I am trying to install a web service (written in FoxPro) onto a newly configured server. Part of the installation process was to install MSSoap 3.0 which seems to be successful. The server OS is Microsoft Server 2008 R2 (x64). I am now trying to…
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2 answers

Checking if SOAP has been installed on a CentOS with Directadmin

How should I check that and how should I install it? I don't think phpinfo() can help, is that true?
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JBossAS 6 & Riftsaw: "No context found for request" when loading WSDL

I'm evaluating the use of Riftsaw and have been following the Getting Started guide: I've installed JBossAS 6, JBoss ESB 4.10 and Riftsaw 2.3.0 on my…
  • 101
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Load balance Apache and a SOAP application over SSL while retaining client IP address

We are trying to find the most suitable load balancing solution that will work with our application, but I quickly found I don't know much on the subject. We were going to run Varnish Cache but we use client IP addresses at various levels and SSL -…
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What could be tampering with my outgoing messages causing signature verification to fail?

I have problem calling a SOAP Web Service. When I send my signed message from my local machine to the service I get a correct response. When I do the exact same thing from a machine in the production environment server setup I get a "The signature…
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Check in console if a specified site is "installed" in the IIS service

I have posted a question about how to check if web service is installed, but I have realized this is not I am looking for. There is the next case - on Windows machine is installed the IIS. That service hosts 2 sites - http://localhost/site1 and…
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2 answers

Uncommenting lines in php.ini file on 000webhost

I recently asked a question about a php error after playing with the php.ini file I found that after commenting extension=php_soap.dll I got the same error as I did on the internet so I relized that line on 000webhost's php.ini file must be…
1 answer

sending email with smtp through php only working on remote server

I am trying to creat a little register/login page in php but I am stuck at sending the email to verify I am using apache so I go to localHost/mypage.php I am using JangoSMTP as an outgoing mail server and used their provide code here I use it and…
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WebService on IIS7 returning "The data is invalid", but works in ASP.NET Development server

I'm losing my nerves with an error that I never have encountered before: I set up a simple SOAP web service, that runs on .net 4, which receives a string as the input and returns a XMLDocument. When testing the service in the developer environment,…
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URL Rewrite in IIS7 Web Service - WebService.asmx => WebService in the SOAP doc

I have an IIS7.5 (Server 2008 R2) based web service that I would like to make as independant on the current implementations technology as possible. I am using the URL rewrite module ( to remove…
Robert Kaucher
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How come my attempts to enable SOAP for PHP on my mac are not working?

I'm running a PHP site on my local MacBook Pro, which requires Soap. I went to /usr/local/src/php-5.2.11/ext/soap, and ran "make install". It completed successfully. I went to the /usr/local/src/php-5.2.11/ folder, and ran ./configure with many…
Vivian Short
2 answers

How to troubleshoot IIS10 client cert security being broken by GP?

I have a weird situation. My Win 2016 servers were ruined by AD group polices. IIS 10 have started to throw 403 error after automatic AD group policy update at the moment X. Beforehand remote party called us with no problems via https with client…
Anton Krouglov
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