Questions tagged [soap]

61 questions
0 answers

How to do a compliance scan on VMWare using Nessus on site

I have nessus professional 8.14.0 installed on a server, which is attached to the network, 3 esxi 6.7 hosts and 1 vcenter servers. Nessus Server ( vCenter Server ( ESXi Host 1 ( ESXi Host 2 ( ESXi…
James Connigan
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In apache, is it possible to configure digest authentication to to add an authenticated username cookie to proxied requests?

I have digest authentication configured for a VirtualHost which proxies SOAP requests. I would like my SOAP service to be able to know reliably which user is accessing it -- is there a way to configure apache to pass through the authenticated…
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How to generate SSL certificate on subdomain?

I actually have a hosting service who has a subdomain, that subdomain function is to redirect to my local server where I have my services, for example: My domain: Subdomain: // His function is to redirect to my…
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Digital signing certificate for SOAP

I'm calling a third-party Web Service with SOAP requests. This service requires me to to sign my SOAP requests digitally. Regarding to How to buy a X.509 certificate for signing digital payloads question, I bought an Email Signing Certificate from…
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Apache stops randomly. graceful restart fails. No explaination found

I have a client with an ecommerce site and what the issue is Apache stops randomly like once in 3-7 days. We then get from 20mins - 2 hours of downtime until we get to know this through uptime robot. And it is not the problem of the network as we…
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PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library php_soap.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0

After installing PHP soap when I run php via command line it throws an error: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/20151012/php_soap.dll' - /usr/lib/php/20151012/php_soap.dll: cannot open shared object file: No…
John Magnolia
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mod_security blocking SOAP client simulation

I'm writing a PHP SOAP server and I'm using PAW ( mac app ) to simulate SOAP client request on my local server I get a SOAP response on production server a get an 403 Forbidden error, since on this server I did have previous issue with mod security…
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mod_rewrite to serve static file based on specific query string with mod_proxy

I would like to have a reverse proxy (apache httpd with mod_proxy) in front of an IIS hosting a SOAP Web Service. The problem I'm facing is that the SOAP clients ask the web server for the details about the web service by downloading the WSDL from…
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Getting soap to run on a Vagrant CentOs machine

I have a vagrant machine on my local computer and I am testing an API that requires Soap. For the life of me I cant get soap to install on the machine. Checking phpinfo, I note: SOAP Brad Lafountain, Shane Caraveo, Dmitry Stogov Running the…
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Install php-soap56w on CentOS 7 x64 not working

I followed the guide located here to install PHP 5.6 with Apache on CentOS 7. Everything went along smoothly. I now need to install PHP-SOAP and it's gave me dependancy conflicts. So I used this guide here to update my server repositories to include…
Danijel-James W
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Record raw http requests in weblogic

We are running a java ee application on weblogic 12.1 that has a soap messaging component. We are having trouble with our soap responses and want to get more details so we can figure out exactly what is going wrong. The problem is the raw http is…
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Connect to soap service via proxy on different ports

I need to connect from a server to a web-service server to consume a SOAP service but due to restrictions in place I cannot connect directly. They did however give me a proxy server that can, but it runs on the service on a different…
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Modsecurity Preventing Access to WSDL

I have installed mod_security with the OWASP rule set and it is now blocking my ability to call a web service using a WSDL. When my code tries to make the web service call, I see the below in the mod sec audit log (domains, IP's and file names have…
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Redirect http queries

I need to exchange information with one webserver through soap. I have a computer with dynamic IP, but webserver allow only static ip (whitelisted). Also, I have a centos server with static ip. How can I set up middle server to redirect SOAP…
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Application Unable connect Remote Server. FIREWALL Issue

Developing a C# Application that uses an WDSL/SOAP service and connects to a server via port 443 I know it is a Firewall Windows 2008 Server issue. Because when I disable it, it works perfectly. Trying to create a rule allowing inbound connections…
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