Questions tagged [snapshot]

A snapshot is a copy of data taken at a specific point in time.

A snapshot is a copy of data taken at a specific point in time.

452 questions
2 answers

What would you call this "RAID" ? RAID 1+6?

I have Snapraid running as snapshot RAID6 (2-parity disks) for my 9 disk array which calculates new parity once a day. Then I have Drivepool duplicating certain very important folders on the array to all the data disks in realtime as in RAID1.…
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Google cloud VM and scheduled snapshots on attached persistent disk

in the case of scheduled shapshots on a persistent ssd disk mounted on a VM, I read in the doc that the backup must not be set here /etc/fstab to ensure that the disk mounts on its own when the VM is…
1 answer

Why would deleting an incremental snapshot increase the space usage & cost?

Google Cloud Platform From the Google Cloud docs: When you delete a complete or incremental snapshot, some of its data may move to the next incremental snapshot in the…
2 answers

Bulk delete ec2 snapshots from Jenkins

Use case: Export list of snapshots in txt file (old_snapshots.txt) to S3 bucket. From Jenkins, use aws cp command copy file to Jenkins /tmp/directory --dry-run did not show any error However, when passed the following bash line with aws delete…
Sunny J
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Autofs mounted /home/ not included in backup

I have autofs mounted shared /home directories setup on server and it is working perfectly, when i need dir, it is mounted automaticly, when i dont, it is not present. But now i am working on backup scripts and noticed something weird. In every…
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libvirt: guest performance during backup

Here is a simplified version of my backup script that runs in the host: # shutdown the guest to ensure its filesystem is in a stable state virsh shutdown web --mode=acpi sleep 20s # the real script uses a smarter method to wait for the guest…
1 answer

creating snapshot for mongodb

I am trying to create snapshot for mongodb on centos 6.6. root@ ~]# lvscan File descriptor 12 (pipe:[23409]) leaked on lvscan invocation. Parent PID 3579: /bin/bash File descriptor 13 (pipe:[23409]) leaked on lvscan invocation. Parent PID…
1 answer

Git a Windows file system as an alternative to virtual machine snapshots

I am a software developer and I want to test several versions of my software, with different configuration files and different contents in the database (everything running on Windows). For example, I have around 10 installations in production with…
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Switching Applications server on different VM snapshot

I have a VMware VM running with a specific Application Server. Instead of creating a new VM for install a new application server, Is it a good practice creating a snapshot of old Application Server VM and then go to clean_instalation snapshot and…
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Hyper-V Missing Virtual Server From Hyper-V Manager List

We are running Hyper-V on a Window 2008 server that doesn't have a desktop (only console login is provided). We access Hyper-V using Hyper-V Manager which connects to this host-server and it provides a GUI for managing our virtual machines. Today,…
1 answer

Which of snapshots I can safely remove?

If you make periodic snapshots of a volume, the snapshots are incremental so that only the blocks on the device that have changed since your last snapshot are incrementally saved in the new snapshot. Even though snapshots are saved…
Igor Golodnitsky
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1 answer

Loop the status Result using PowerShell

I have written a script in PowerShell which creates aws ebs snapshot , its working fine without an issue , except i am not able get the Progress status at regular interval to proceed with next step in script. Until unless i dont get update that…
2 answers

Determine what has changed a specific key on Windows registry

History : My C drive disappeared from "Computer" on my Win7. After fixing it a couple of days ago by changing a registry key, I notice today that my C drive has disappeared…
Florian Bidabé
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Create centOS6 snapshots

How can I create snapshots of system (similar to what VM have) of a centOS 6 to a network location? That is I need to know what software/package should I use and maybe some ways to work with it.
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2 answers

File replication program for Linux

For my disaster recovery plan I am looking for a free/open source file replication program which could copy all files including open/busy files to a remote server. Would appreciate any suggestions or help.
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