Questions tagged [snapshot]

A snapshot is a copy of data taken at a specific point in time.

A snapshot is a copy of data taken at a specific point in time.

452 questions
3 answers

VMWare software that support snapshots

I need to run some VMs But it seems like VMWare Player doesn't support snapshots. Is there any other free software from VMWare that support snapshoting? PS: I know that Oracle VirtualBox can do that but I am interested in VMWare products at the…
Eugene Loy
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1 answer

best way to create lvm snapshot of / partition

I need to know the best way to implement the snapshot of root partition "/" on a kvm guest. What I have is as follows 1- /dev/vda ..... 10G free -- /dev/vda1 boot partition (ext - 83) -- /dev/vda2 / parition (Linux LVM format -…
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