Questions tagged [slapd]

slapd (Standalone LDAP Daemon) is an LDAP server implementation, part of the OpenLDAP open source project.

95 questions
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slapd not launching on Mac OS X 10.6

I have a slight problem with the openldap server installed with Mac OS X 10.6.8 (regular, not server). When I launch slapd in a terminal, it stops itself after 1 or 2 seconds... I just have the time to see its process... It doesn't seem to crash,…
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LDAP: Why does slapcat truncate my slapd.log file?

I have an OpenLDAP 2.4 server running on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Everytime I run # slapcat -l test.ldif my slapd.log file gets truncated (i. e. previous log messages are deleted and new ones are written at the beginning of the file). Actually, the first…
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Questions about Debian OpenDLAP configuration

I have the slapd/stable,now 2.4.57+dfsg-3 amd64 Debian 11 package. I read the official OpenLDAP documentation and Debian article. But I cannot understand the difference between the multiple configuration files. I know the best practice is to use the…
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OpenLDAP migration from old Debian 4 to current Debian 11

I want completely migrate whole database with conf, schema, ( everything ) from very old Debian 4 ( etch ) instance to new Debian 11 ( bullseye ). Source system is running slapd 2.3.30 and destination slapd 2.4.57 I found few topics how to do it…
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OpenLDAP authentication stopped working. Where to look for clues if ldapsearch works fine?

Authentication against an LDAP Server stopped on several different web and workstation clients, for which i assume the host is at fault. However ldapsearch -x uid=user -LLL -H ldap:// -b dc=dep,dc=org,dc=de(slightly redacted) provides a…
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Debian 10, OpenLDAP, LetsEncrypt, Error 80 trying to add

...I have never had so much trouble enabling secure communications. I believe this to be a valid CA cert chain for Let's Encrypt The contents of /etc/ssl/le/ca-chain.pem -----BEGIN…
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openldap migration - slapd wont start "olcDbDirectory: value #0: invalid path: Permission denied"

I have migrated my old slapd DB to a new server, these are the steps I took: On old server run: slapcat -n 0 -l config.ldif slapcat -n 2 -l data.ldif I had to run slapcat -n 2 because with -n 1 I get slapcat: database doesn't support necessary…
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slapd receives unexpected shutdown after CentOS 7.7 upgrade

After upgrading from CentOS 7.6 to 7.7 the slapd process receives a shutdown request a few seconds after its start. Where do I have to enable logging to get more information? I'm using OpenLdap on CentOS 6/7 as an authentication backend, which…
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OpenLDAP CentOS apply LDIF takes ages

When I apply LDIF scripts through ldap_modify it takes ages on a running multi-master setup before they are applied. I don't see any lead in the logfiles what could cause this issue. I think it has to do with DNS name resolution because I know some…
Digital Human
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2 answers

Creating an OpenLdap administrator group on LDAP server

I am trying to create a simple administrator group on my OpenLdap server that is running slapd. There is currently no slapd file, and I have been working with the cn=config format. OS: CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core) OpenLDAP: $OpenLDAP:…
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How to enable OpenLDAP server trust a self-signed certificate from a client?

I am using JNDI to connect to a remote OpenLDAP server via ldaps by the following code: Hashtable env = new Hashtable(); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"); …
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Enable SSL/LDAPS in openLDAP 2.4 on Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS - ldap_result: Can't contact LDAP server (-1)

I have the following Problem and googled for weeks now. Because I´ve really no clue where the problem is I´m asking my question here with the hope to find some ldap or ssl genius :) I have a working openLdap Server with a stand alone client maschine…
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OpenLDAP slapd as transparent proxy, bind always fails

I have a linux (4.1.12-61.1.34.el6uek.x86_64) box with a slapd service (slapd 2.4.40). What I'm trying to achieve is to transparently proxy all client ldap related traffic through this slapd instance to an Active Directory server. The reason I need…
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LDAP on Ubuntu 16 won't connect

I've installed LDAP on an Ubuntu 16.04 machine, using this command: sudo apt install slapd ldap-utils This is my config file /etc/ldap/ldap.conf # # LDAP Defaults # # See ldap.conf(5) for details # This file should be world readable but not world…
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OpenLDAP : slapd.conf is no more, so how to edit rights?

I want to modify some rights in my LDAP database, so I noticed that slapd.conf is no more. What I wanted to do is to add the following lines to slapd.conf : access to dn.subtree="ou=contacts,dc=example,dc=org" by self write by…
Max Muster
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