Questions tagged [sharepoint]

Microsoft SharePoint is a software platform and a family of software products developed by Microsoft for collaboration and web publishing combined. These capabilities include developing web sites, portals, intranets, content management systems, search engines, wikis, blogs, and other tools for business intelligence. This family of products include: Microsoft SharePoint Server, Microsoft SharePoint Foundation, Microsoft Search Server, Microsoft SharePoint D

For SharePoint-specific questions, please see the SharePoint Stack Exchange site.

958 questions
5 answers

Maximum size of SharePoint content databases

Another question from talking to the SharePoint gurus while teaching MCM yesterday. The SharePoint guidelines are that content databases above 100GB are not supported. Without getting into the reasons behind those guidelines, I'm interested to hear…
Paul Randal
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2 answers

Can't successfully run Sharepoint Foundation 2010 first time configuration

I'm trying to run the non-GUI version of configuration wizard using power shell because I would like to set config and admin database names. GUI wizard doesn't give you all possible options for configuration (but even though it doesn't do it…
1 answer

How to virtualise a SharePoint ASP application

I have noticed the occasional article that mentions virtualising a site on sharepoint so that the site appears as if it is replicated among several site collections. I have a requirement to deploy a site to a single virtual folder under IIS, but…
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3 answers

SharePoint Backup/Restore without stsadm

Due to problems we found with the restore of sites/site collections using stsadm (our tasks generated from workflows were not restored), we've taken a different route for backup/restore. We plan a major customization to our SP site and want to take…
6 answers

How do I restart SharePoint Timer Service from command line?

How do I restart SharePoint Timer Service from command line?
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3 answers

How to disable multiple form submit (POST) in IIS

We had a major SharePoint outage a few months back because a user wedged their keyboard in such a way as to cause the Enter button to be pressed indefinitely. The user was on a customized people search page and hundreds of POSTs by the same user…
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Really clear introduction to Sharepoint architecture

I think I understand Sharepoint, but to be honest I don't know what I don't know. A link to some clear documentation would be helpful, or short of that, descriptions of what the following are: A Web Application A managed path A site collection A…
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5 answers

How to rename a project in the Team Foundation Server (TFS)

How to rename a project in the Team Foundation Server 2008? What are khown issues?
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3 answers

How long should I expect CheckDB with REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS to run

I am running CheckDB with REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS on a Shairpoint search DB that is 47mb It has been running for > 30min. Is that normal? How long should it take?
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2 answers

Sharepoint 2007: Active Directory and Sharepoint Groups

I have a Sharepoint 2007 installation and several Active Directory Domains. Now, since I can't have a user from Domain A be in a Security Group in Domain B, I need to create groups within Sharepoint to include the neccessary users. I could possibly…
Michael Stum
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7 answers

Is it a good idea to install Office 2007 on a server?

I noticed a lot of 3rd party SharePoint applications require that Office be installed on the server in order to function - PDF converters, for example. To me, this seems like a horrible idea. The overhead, update requirements, reboots, and…
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2 answers

Need process to request, approve, and track technology needs of new hires

We currently have about 150 seats and growing. Our IT staff is very small so we need an efficient and accurate way to handle the provisioning of new-hires with equipment, software, credentials, etc. We have several different businesses and…
Daniel Lucas
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3 answers

Export SharePoint Wiki to PDF from the Command Line

We use a SharePoint wiki* at the office to serve as a knowledgebase for our IT operations. Recently we went through a disaster recovery exercise where we realized we had a key hole in our plans: how do you restore the services if your instruction…
Wyatt Barnett
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5 answers

Site Collections in Sharepoint 2007 - how many, and why?

I wonder what the common guidelines for large-scale Sharepoint 2007 Architecture is? Mostly, I'd like to plan how many Site Collections are needed, and why I should split my Intranet into multiple Site Collections instead of just having one to rule…
Michael Stum
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2 answers

Getting a BSOD after upgrading to MOSS SP2

Recently we updated a SharePoint test server to MOSS SP2. After doing so, a series of errors appeared in the error log, along with a random blue screen of death. After the BSOD, the following screen appears: [tried attaching but cannot because I'm…
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