Questions tagged [session]

269 questions
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Keycloak: Difference between Authentication sessions and User Sessions

I was going through the documentation Here they have described different types of caches. I didn't quite understand the definitions they provided for Authentication sessions and User…
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How to close SFTP session with Azure logic app after task is finished?

We have an Azure logic app that checks every five minutes for files on an external SFTP server. Sometimes the requests fail. The external party indicated that this might be because the SFTP sessions are closed only after two hours, while additional…
1 answer

HTTPS session resumption sometimes partially working

I'm having an issue with ssl session caching. To test if server configuration is OK, I use the following command: echo | openssl s_client -connect :443 -reconnect 2>/dev/null| egrep -iw "New|Reused|Session-ID:" It outputs "New" for the…
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Codeignitor - under login / session load MySQL CPU spike and Fatal MySQL Deadlock

Originally posted on stackoverflow, and was recommended serverfault may be better place. I have a site using: AWS RDS (MySQL Aurora) - single t3.medium instance 4 x EC2s on a Load Balancer (fixed instances not elastic) CodeIgnitor 3 codebase…
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SQL Server Session State using "blue/green" deployment. Issue with different paths

I've been working on trying to get a blue/green deployment architecture setup on a windows 2016 server. But just ran into a brick wall because since these 2 web farm "servers" are actually not separate servers, but reside on the same server, they…
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2 users, 3 rdp sessions

We have Windows 2008 R2 Server Enterprise. And there are the 2 of us. We are log in together, each one on different session, to watch for processes via RDP. The sessions are : session 2 and session 3. But today, my partner wants to change…
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PHP.ini custom session.save_path Permission denied

I use Centos 7 (latest update) Apache 2.4.6 PHP 7.2 I would like to change the directory where sessions stored on the server, the default directory is /var/lib/php/session/, I can use this directory without any problem, but when I change the…
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DigitalOcean load balancer health checks flooding my CodeIgniter sessions

I've been trying to figure this one out for a while now, but so far no success. After contacting DigitalOcean support a couple of times, I'm even more lost. I have the following setup: domain points to a DO loadbalancer which is in front of two app…
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Disable Fast User Switching

On Windows 10 Pro Desktop I'm looking for a local setting to limit the number of user sessions allowed to be running to 1. This is not through use of remote desktop client. It's physical access to the desktop and multiple users accessing it. For…
John K
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Cookies present in the Chrome inspector are missing on the server

I have a setup comprised by 2 nginx instances connected one after the other. The first one is on one server (A) and the second one is on a second server (B): user <-> nginx (A) <-> nginx (B) <-> api frontend (B) <->…
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PHP appears to have session files in two different locations?

I have a CentOS 6 box running nginx and PHP 7.2. My php 7.2 session files exist where I expect them to, in /var/opt/remi/php72/lib/php/session However, I've just noticed that a smaller number of them exist in /tmp I only have one version of php…
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Sessions and authentication killed in Laravel 5, running on AWS

I've a VPS Provided from Amazon web services , and I've deployed more than 6 "laravel" projects which is worked perfectly , but I've same issue for 3 projects , which is sessions and authentication not working at all , although it success and…
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User cannot connect to 2012 R2 session deployment, session with no name created and stuck

We have this week, started having an issue on one or two of our remote desktop session host servers running 2012 R2, whereby when a user attempts to login, they are stuck on one of the login messages such as "processing group policy settings",…
2 answers

How to clean orphan Docker containers?

I have a setup where users log into the host machine via PuTTY and can spawn Docker containers for their use. The Docker command looks like this: docker run -it --rm -v /home/$USER:/home/$USER -w="/home/$USER" -u $USER…
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Two websites in different servers has same cookie_domain but is not sharing session

I have two different sites that has their own server. Site#2 sends request to Site#1 for logging customer in. Request contains Allow Crendentials Header and response is status 200. Both sites has same memcache COOKIE_DOMAIN but for some reason…
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